首页> 外文期刊>Sociobiology >Effects of disturbance and the presence of termite and other invertebrate carcasses at feeding sites on the behavior of the subterranean termite Microcerotermes crassus (Blattodea: Termitidae).

Effects of disturbance and the presence of termite and other invertebrate carcasses at feeding sites on the behavior of the subterranean termite Microcerotermes crassus (Blattodea: Termitidae).

机译:摄食点的干扰以及白蚁和其他无脊椎动物尸体的存在对地下白蚁 Cercerotermes crassus (Blattodea:Termitidae)行为的影响。

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Ten factors which may affect the behavior of Microcerotermes crassus Snyder were evaluated in this study. The factors include: disturbance, crushed workers or soldiers (nestmates or non-nestmates), crushed Asian subterranean termites (Coptotermes gestroi [Wasmann]), crushed longlegged ants (Anoplolepis gracilipes (Smith)), crushed Ghost ants (Tapinoma indicum Forel), crushed millipedes (Harphaphe sp.) and crushed wood lice (Porcellionides sp.). The distribution of M. crassus was recorded between treated and untreated areas on day 1 and day 6 post-treatment. Observations show that disturbances or the presence of carcasses only deterred the termites temporarily. However, prolonged treatment with crushed C. gestroi showed that termites avoided the treated area even at 6 days post-treatment. Initially, M. crassus was probably deterred from the treated area temporarily because of the presence of C. gestroi carcasses. However, repeated treatments soon lead to fungi growth on the wood blocks and carcasses, rendering the area and the food unfit for the termites. Survival was also lowest in dishes treated with crushed C. gestroi which could be attributed to the presence of fungi. Termites consumed less wood in the dishes containing or treated with crushed conspecifics (workers or soldiers of nestmates and non-nestmates), or with C. gestroi. M. crassus either consumed the carcasses or buried them with sand.
机译:在这项研究中,评估了十个可能影响crackus crassus Snyder行为的因素。这些因素包括:干扰,压碎的工人或士兵(巢穴或非巢穴),压碎的亚洲地下白蚁( Coptotermes gestroi [Wasmann]),压碎的长腿蚂蚁( Anoplolepis gracilipes (Smith)),压碎的幽灵蚂蚁( Tapinoma indicum Forel),压碎的千足虫( Harphaphe sp。)和压碎的木虱( Porcellionides sp。 )。 M的分布。在治疗后的第1天和第6天,在治疗区和未治疗区之间记录了crassus 。观察表明,干扰或屠体的存在只是暂时阻止了白蚁。但是,长时间使用碎碎的iC处理。 gestroi 显示,即使在治疗后6天,白蚁也避开了治疗区域。最初, M。 crassus 可能是由于 C的存在而暂时从治疗区域阻止的。 gestroi 屠体。但是,反复治疗很快会导致木块和尸体上的真菌生长,使该区域和食物不适合白蚁。在经压碎的iC处理的菜肴中,存活率也最低。 gestroi 可能归因于真菌的存在。白蚁在含有或经粉碎的同种异食(巢友和非巢友的工人或士兵)或用C处理的菜肴中消耗的木材更少。 gestroi 。 M。 crassus 要么吃掉了尸体,要么用沙子掩埋了尸体。



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