首页> 外文期刊>Sociobiology >Transport lociation patterns of the guest beetle Claviger testanceus (Pselaphidae) and other objects moved by workers of the ant, Lasius flavus (Formicidae)

Transport lociation patterns of the guest beetle Claviger testanceus (Pselaphidae) and other objects moved by workers of the ant, Lasius flavus (Formicidae)

机译:来宾甲虫Claviger testanceus(Pselaphidae)和蚂蚁Lasius flavus(Formicidae)的工人移动的其他物体的运输定位模式

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The destination of the transport of the inquiline guest beetle Claviger testaceus by the workers of the ant Lasius flavus is compared to that of insect corpses, live intruder insects and members of the society, in laboratory maintained colonies. The workers transport and deposit the Claviger guest beetle in the nest in the same place as an insect corpse in a condition to be eaten by the brood. The workers may deposit various decaying objects of insect origin, as well as living larvae, onto the beetle itself, just as they may do to an insect cadaver. Transport, in fact, chiefly depends on whether or not the larvae are supplied with dead insects by the workers. Larval feeding on meaty food mainly occurs in spring; however, even in this season, the colonies may not, at certain moments, provide solid food to all of their larvae. In societies nourishing the brood with dead insects, the workers locate live Claviger beeries (immobilized for the purpose of the study by the gluing of their legs together) and insect corpses mainly on the older larvae (referred to as class II larvae, recognizable by their meconium) or on the nest's refuse, or maintain these objects among the workers. The class II larvae not only feed on insect corpses, but also try to eat the Claviger beeries. In societies not nourishing the brood with dead insects, immobilized Clavigerbeeries and insect corpses are not deposited onto the larvae, but kept among the workers or rejected, mainly on the refuse. When the Claviger are free to move by themselves in the nest, they are found in the same locations; however, differences may occur due to the Ctavigefs own preferences and to the physiological state of the larvae. The presence of a queen increases the dead insect supply to the larvae in colonies recently settled in a laboratory and feeding their brood. In this case, the Claviger beetles are more frequently transported onto the larvae.
机译:在实验室维护的殖民地中,将蚂蚁Lasius flavus的工人运输来宾的甲虫Claviger testaceus的目的地与昆虫尸体,活的入侵昆虫和社会成员的目的地进行了比较。工人们将Claviger来宾甲虫运输并存放在与昆虫尸体相同的巢穴中,以被母猪食用。工人们可以将各种昆虫来源的腐烂物体以及活的幼虫放在甲虫身上,就像他们对昆虫尸体所做的一样。实际上,运输主要取决于幼虫是否为工人提供了死虫。以肉类食物为食的幼虫主要发生在春季。但是,即使在这个季节,殖民地也可能在某些时候不能为其所有幼虫提供固体食物。在用死虫滋养育雏的社会中,工人们找到了活的Claviger啤酒厂(通过将双腿粘在一起将其固定化以进行研究),而昆虫尸体则主要放在较老的幼虫(称为II类幼虫,通过其幼虫可以识别)胎粪或巢中的垃圾,或在工人中间维护这些物品。 II类幼虫不仅以昆虫尸体为食,而且还尝试食用Claviger啤酒。在不以死虫滋养的社会中,固定的锁骨科和昆虫尸体不会沉积在幼虫上,而是留在工人中间或被拒绝,主要是放在垃圾上。当键盘手自由地在巢穴中移动时,它们会在相同的位置被发现。但是,由于Ctavigef自身的偏好和幼虫的生理状态,可能会出现差异。皇后的存在增加了最近定居在实验室中并喂养其雏鸟的菌落对幼虫的死亡昆虫供应。在这种情况下,锁骨甲虫更常被运输到幼虫上。



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