首页> 外文期刊>Sociobiology >Observations of Reticulitermes spp. in Solenopsis invicta mounds (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae, Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

Observations of Reticulitermes spp. in Solenopsis invicta mounds (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae, Hymenoptera: Formicidae)


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Subterranean termite (Reticulitermes spp.) were observed inhabiting mounds of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta (Buren). A survey of 100 S. invicta mounds was conducted along 4 treeline transects, and one building perimeter, in Lee and Macon counties, Alabama. Reticulitermes sip. termite were found in 19 of these mounds, either in the soil of the mound or in termite foraging material. R.flavipes individuals occurred in greater proportions in mounds containing only soft, while R. virginicus individuals occurred in greater proportions in mounds containing wood. Reproductive caste (nymph and alate) proportions were significantly greater than worker proportions in mounds containing only soil for both species. An examination of temperature and moisture content of soil within and surrounding ant mounds as well as nearby wood is also presented. Air (x-bar = 26.2 deg C) and surrounding soil (x-bar = 24.2 deg C) temperatures were significantly lower than those of mound soil (x-bar = 30.7 deg C) and nearby wood (x-bar = 29.5 deg C). In two moisture studies, wood near mounds contained significantly greater amounts of moisture (x-bar = 11.6 and 10.8%) than the upper portions of S. invicta mounds (x-bar = 2.3 and 2.9%). A discussion of the possible adaptive significance of termite within ant mounds is presented.
机译:观察到地下白蚁(Reticulitermes spp。)栖息在红色火蚁Solenopsis invicta(Buren)的土堆中。在阿拉巴马州的利县和梅肯县,沿着4条林线样地和1个建筑物周边对100个S. invicta土墩进行了调查。喝网状白蚁。在这些土墩的土壤中或白蚁觅食材料中的19个土墩中发现了白蚁。在仅含有软土的土丘中,黄单胞菌个体发生的比例较高,而在含有木土的土丘中,维尔京原种个体的比例较高。在这两个物种仅含有土壤的土丘中,生殖种姓(若虫和板尾)的比例明显大于工人的比例。还介绍了对蚁丘及其周围的土壤以及附近木材的温度和水分含量的检查。空气(x-bar = 26.2摄氏度)和周围土壤(x-bar = 24.2摄氏度)的温度显着低于丘陵土壤(x-bar = 30.7摄氏度)和附近的木材(x-bar = 29.5摄氏度) C)。在两项水分研究中,靠近土丘的木材所含水分(x-bar分别为11.6和10.8%)显着高于S. invicta土墩的上部(x-bar = 2.3和2.9%)。讨论了蚁丘内白蚁可能具有的适应性意义。



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