首页> 外文期刊>Solar physics >Study of CME Propagation in the Inner Heliosphere: SOHO LASCO, SMEI and STEREO HI Observations of the January 2007 Events

Study of CME Propagation in the Inner Heliosphere: SOHO LASCO, SMEI and STEREO HI Observations of the January 2007 Events

机译:CME在内太阳圈中传播的研究:SOHO LASCO,SMEI和STEREO HI对2007年1月事件的观察

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We are investigating the geometric and kinematic characteristics of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) using data obtained by the LASCO coronagraphs, the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI), and the SECCHI imaging experiments on the STEREO spacecraft. The early evolution of CMEs can be tracked by the LASCO C2 and C3 and SECCHI COR1 and COR2 coronagraphs, and the HI and SMEI instruments can track their ICME counterparts through the inner heliosphere. The HI fields of view (4 -aEuro parts per thousand 90A degrees) overlap with the SMEI field of view (> 20A degrees to all sky) and, thus, both instrument sets can observe the same ICME. In this paper we present results for ICMEs observed on 24 -aEuro parts per thousand 29 January 2007, when the STEREO spacecraft were still near Earth so that both the SMEI and STEREO views of large ICMEs in the inner heliosphere coincided. These results include measurements of the structural and kinematic evolution of two ICMEs and comparisons with drive/drag kinematic, 3D tomographic reconstruction, the HAFv2 kinematic, and the ENLIL MHD models. We find it encouraging that the four model runs generally were in agreement on both the kinematic evolution and appearance of the events. Because it is essential to understand the effects of projection across large distances, that are not generally crucial for events observed closer to the Sun, we discuss our analysis procedure in some detail.
机译:我们正在使用LASCO日冕仪,太阳质量抛射成像仪(SMEI)和STEREO航天器上的SECCHI成像实验获得的数据,研究行星际冠状物质抛射(ICME)的几何和运动学特征。 LASCO C2和C3以及SECCHI COR1和COR2日冕仪可以追踪CME的早期演变,而HI和SMEI仪器可以通过内部太阳圈追踪其ICME对应物。 HI视场(千分之四十欧分,每90A度)与SMEI视场(对整个天空> 20A度)重叠,因此,两种仪器都可以观测到相同的ICME。在本文中,我们介绍了2007年1月29日当STEREO航天器仍在地球附近时对ICME的观测结果,每千分之24欧元的观测结果,使得内部太阳圈中大型ICME的SMEI和STEREO观点重合。这些结果包括对两个ICME的结构和运动学演变的测量,以及与驱动/拖动运动学,3D层析成像重建,HAFv2运动学和ENLIL MHD模型的比较。我们发现这令人鼓舞的是,这四个模型的运行总体上在运动学演变和事件的出现方面是一致的。因为必须了解远距离投影的影响,而这对于通常在距离太阳较近的地方观测的事件通常并不重要,因此我们将详细讨论分析过程。



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