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Placer's Gold Production Forecast to Increase in 1996


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John Willson, president and CEO of placer Dome Inc., Vancouver, B.C., said in remarks to investment analysts on pec. 12 that Placer Dome's share of gold production will increase to around 2 million ounces in 1996 from about 1.85 million ounces in 1995. Placer's cash cost of production is expected to be about 220 dollars per ounce for 1995 and 211 dollars per ounce for 1996. Production increases are planned in 1996 for the Dome and Detour Lake mines in Canada, the Golden Sunlight mine in the United States and the Porgera mine in Papua New Guinea. The corporation expects to maintain its exploration expenditures at more than 100 million dollars in 1996 to fund an accelerated pace of activities planned for Canada, the US including Alaska and Latin America. Placer is now producing gold at an annualized rate of more than 2 million ounces per year, according to Mr. Willson, and expects to reach its goal of 2.5 million ounces per year by 2000.
机译:卑诗省温哥华的砂金圆顶公司总裁兼首席执行官约翰·威尔森(John Willson)在对佩奇投资分析师的讲话中表示。 12砂金矿的黄金生产份额将从1995年的185万盎司增加到1996年的200万盎司。砂矿的生产现金成本预计分别为1995年每盎司220美元和1996年每盎司211美元。生产计划在1996年增加加拿大的Dome和Detour Lake矿山,美国的Golden Sunlight矿山和巴布亚新几内亚的Porgera矿山。该公司期望在1996年将其勘探支出保持在1亿美元以上,以资助计划在加拿大,美国(包括阿拉斯加和拉丁美洲)进行的活动的加快步伐。根据威尔森先生的说法,Placer现在每年以每年超过200万盎司的速度生产黄金,并预计到2000年实现其每年250万盎司的目标。



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