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From a different angle: a novel approach to health valuation.


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The value of a health state is typically described relative to the value of an optimal state, specifically as a ratio ranging from unity (equal to optimal health) to negative infinity. Incorporating potentially infinite values is a challenging issue in the econometrics of health valuation. In this paper, we apply a directional statistics approach based on the assumption of wavering preference. Unlike ratio statistics, directional statistics are based on polar coordinates (angle, radius). The range of angles is bounded between 45 degrees (unity) and negative 90 degrees (i.e., negative infinity); therefore, mean angles are well behaved and negate the impetus behind arbitrary data manipulations. Using time trade-off (TTO) responses from the seminal Measurement and Valuation of Health study, we estimate 243 EQ-5D health state values by minimizing circular variance with and without radial weights. For states with published values greater than zero (i.e., better-than-death), the radially weighted estimates are nearly identical to the published values (Mean Absolute Difference 0.07; Lin's rho 0.94). For worse-than-death states, the estimates are substantially lower than the published values (Mean Absolute Difference 0.186; Lin's rho 0.576). For the worst EQ-5D state (33333), the published value is -0.59 and the directional estimate is -1.11. By taking a directional statistics approach, we circumvent problems inherent to ratio statistics and the systematic bias introduced by arbitrary data manipulations. The predictions suggest that published estimates overvalue severe states. This paper examines TTO responses; however, it may be extended to all forms of health valuation.
机译:健康状态的值通常是相对于最佳状态的值来描述的,具体而言,是从统一(等于最佳健康)到负无穷大的比率。在健康评估的计量经济学中,纳入潜在的无限值是一个具有挑战性的问题。在本文中,我们基于摇摆偏好的假设应用定向统计方法。与比率统计不同,方向统计基于极坐标(角度,半径)。角度范围限制在45度(统一)和负90度(即负无穷大)之间;因此,平均角度表现良好,并消除了任意数据操作背后的推动力。使用开创性的“健康评估与评估”研究中的时间权衡(TTO)响应,我们通过最小化带有或不带有径向权重的圆形方差来估计243个EQ-5D健康状态值。对于发布的值大于零(即优于死亡)的州,径向加权的估计值与发布的值几乎相同(均值绝对差0.07; Lin的rho 0.94)。对于比死亡还差的州,估计值大大低于公布的值(平均绝对差为0.186; Lin的rho为0.576)。对于最坏的EQ-5D状态(33333),发布的值为-0.59,方向估计值为-1.11。通过采用定向统计方法,我们规避了比率统计所固有的问题以及任意数据操作引入的系统偏差。这些预测表明,已公布的估计值高估了严重状态。本文研究了TTO的响应;但是,它可以扩展到所有形式的健康评估。



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