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Micronutrients in Cashew


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The importance and need for and application of micronutrients has been realized during the past three decades when widespread micronutrient deficiencies were noticed in most of the Indian soils under intensive agriculture. Currently, about 47.0,11.5,4.8 and 4.0 per cent of soils in India were reported to be deficient in Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn, respectively. Infact essential micronutrients (Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, B, Mo, Ni and CI) are needed by plants in very small quantities and mainly function as components ofa series of enzymes. Deficiency or toxicity of these elements in soil adversely affects the growth and development of plants. Cashew, being a perennial crop requires both macro and micronutrients during various growth stages for optimum production. Themicronutrient deficiencies has often been observed in cashew plantations due to limited or no use of organic manures, use of chemical fertilizers to supply only major nutrients, losses of micronutrients through leaching, soil erosion, use of marginal lands/degraded lands for cashew cultivation etc. Now the demand of micronutrients is increasing due to intensive cropping and use of high yielding cashew varieties.



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