首页> 外文期刊>Chemia Analityczna >The Effect of Hydrofluoric Acid on the Determination of Platinum and Palladium in Road Dust Applying Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

The Effect of Hydrofluoric Acid on the Determination of Platinum and Palladium in Road Dust Applying Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry


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The effect of digestion of road dust in the mixture of aqua regia + HF and of the leaching of the analytes with aqua regia only on the determination of Pt and Pd applying ICP-MS technique has been investigated.In order to eliminate spectral interferences in mass spec-trometry,mathematical correction was applied,as well as the interferents were separated from the analytes on a Dowex 50 WX-8 cation-exchange resin.It has been found that after addition of HF,Hf and Y are transformed into stable fluoride compounds,which are not retained on the cation-exchanger and cause some interferences in the determination step.Leaching of the analytes with aqua regia without complete sample dissolution resulted in the release of Pt and Pd from the road dust.Noteworthy,the analytes were present in the sample in the form suitable for their separation on cation exchanger.The correctness of the applied procedure was confirmed via analysis of certified reference material BCR-723.
机译:研究了王水+ HF混合物中道路灰尘的消化以及王水对分析物的浸出仅对采用ICP-MS技术测定Pt和Pd的影响,以消除质量中的光谱干扰光谱法,进行了数学校正,并在Dowex 50 WX-8阳离子交换树脂上从分析物中分离了干扰物。已发现添加HF后,Hf和Y转化为稳定的氟化物残留在阳离子交换剂上,并在测定步骤中造成一些干扰。使用王水浸出的分析物未完全溶解样品会导致道路灰尘中Pt和Pd的释放。值得注意的是,样品的形式适合在阳离子交换剂上分离。通过对标准参考物质BCR-723的分析,确定了所应用程序的正确性。



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