
When QE2 Weighs Anchor


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The Federal Reserve's program of buying up bonds is scheduled to end in June. What will that do to the economy and interest rates - and your portfolio? AS GOVERNMENT agencies go, few have a bigger influence, of course, than the Federal Reserve, whose policies affect the prices of everything from a 30-year mortgage to a double skim latte, not to mention the outlook for economic growth, jobs and inflation. So when Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke signaled last year that the Fed would buy as much as $600 billion in Treasury bonds, it was bound to make waves - among Fed fans and critics alike. But now that the central bank's bond-buying binge is drawing to a close, even some of the Fed's toughest critics are nervous. The program - which policy wonks call quantitative easing, but nearly everyone else calls QE2 - was designed to keep bond prices high and interest rates low. It is credited with propping up the economy and, in turn, boosting the stock market. Technically, the Fed is in the midst of its second round of bond buying - hence the 2 - since the financial crisis struck in 2008. When the first round ended in spring 2010, both stocks and bonds tumbled.
机译:美联储购买债券的计划定于6月结束。这会对经济和利率以及您的投资组合产生什么影响?当然,随着政府机构的发展,几乎没有什么比美联储具有更大的影响力了,美联储的政策影响着从30年期抵押贷款到双重拿铁咖啡的价格,更不用说经济增长,就业和通货膨胀的前景了。 。因此,当美联储主席本·伯南克(Ben Bernanke)去年暗示美联储将购买多达6000亿美元的美国国债时,注定会引起轰动-在美联储的支持者和批评家中都如此。但是,既然央行的债券购买狂潮已经接近尾声,即使是一些美联储最严厉的批评家也感到紧张。该计划被称为“量化宽松”,但几乎所有人都称其为“ QE2”。该计划旨在保持债券价格居高不下和利率较低。它被认为可以支撑经济,进而提振股市。从技术上讲,自2008年金融危机爆发以来,美联储正处于第二轮债券购买(因此为第二轮)之中。当第一轮债券购买于2010年春季结束时,股票和债券均下跌。



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