首页> 外文期刊>Sexually transmitted diseases >Accuracy and costs of rapid human immunodeficiency virus testing technologies in rural hospitals in Zambia.

Accuracy and costs of rapid human immunodeficiency virus testing technologies in rural hospitals in Zambia.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the accuracy and costs of newer rapid human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody tests in primary health care settings in rural Zambia. METHODS: Three rural hospitals participated in this study. During a baseline assessment period, HIV testing practices were recorded on 250 consecutive clients at each hospital. Baseline evaluation was compared with 250 subsequent consecutive clients tested using a testing algorithm consisting of an initial screening HIV Dipstick test (McDonald Scientific [PVT] Limited, Harare, Zimbabwe) followed by confirmatory testing of all reactive specimens using the HIV Capillus test (Cambridge Diagnostics, Galway, Ireland), in conformity with World Health Organization HIV testing recommendations. Quality control was performed at a national university teaching hospital laboratory. RESULTS: A total of 1,500 clients was entered, with an HIV seropositivity rate of 53.2%. Most HIV testing was performed on patients with signs and symptoms suggestive of HIV infection. Same-day results were provided for only 16%. The HIV Dipstick testing algorithm sensitivity was 96.9%, and specificity was 98.0%. Counselor dissatisfaction was greater with the Dipstick algorithm as a result of 5.3% discordant results. Use of the HIV Dipstick testing algorithm cost between US
机译:目的:评估赞比亚农村地区初级卫生保健机构中较新的快速人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)抗体检测的准确性和成本。方法:三所农村医院参加了这项研究。在基线评估期间,每家医院的250位连续客户记录了HIV检测方法。将基线评估与随后使用测试算法进行测试的250位连续客户进行比较,这些测试算法包括最初的筛查HIV试纸测试(麦当劳科学[PVT] Limited,哈拉雷,津巴布韦),然后使用HIV Capillus测试(剑桥诊断公司)对所有反应性标本进行确认性测试(爱尔兰戈尔韦),符合世界卫生组织艾滋病毒检测建议。质量控制是在国立大学教学医院实验室进行的。结果:总共有1500位客户进入,艾滋病毒血清阳性率为53.2%。大多数HIV测试是在有迹象和症状提示HIV感染的患者上进行的。仅提供16%的当天结果。 HIV Dipstick测试算法的敏感性为96.9%,特异性为98.0%。由于Dipstick算法的不一致性为5.3%,因此辅导员的不满情绪更大。美国之间使用HIV量油尺测试算法的成本



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