首页> 外文期刊>SHILAP:Revista de Lepidopterologia >A catalogue of the Noctuidae of Robinson Crusoe Island (Chile), with new record and taxonomic data (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). [Spanish]Original Title Catalogo de los Noctuidae de la Isla Robinson Crusoe (Chile), con nuevos registros y datos taxonomicos (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).

A catalogue of the Noctuidae of Robinson Crusoe Island (Chile), with new record and taxonomic data (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). [Spanish]Original Title Catalogo de los Noctuidae de la Isla Robinson Crusoe (Chile), con nuevos registros y datos taxonomicos (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).

机译:鲁滨逊·克鲁索岛(智利)夜蛾科的目录,具有新的记录和分类学数据(鳞翅目:夜蛾科)。 [西班牙文]鲁滨逊·克鲁索岛(智利)夜蛾科的原始标题目录,并有新记录和分类数据(鳞翅目:夜蛾科)。

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We study of the family Noctuidae from Juan Fernandez Archipelago, Robinson Crusoe Island. A pictorial key is proposed based on the characters of male genitalia to separate the different species. Three new records for this zone are given: Megalographa biloba (Stephens, 1830), Peridroma saucia (Hubner, [1808] 1796) and Pseudoleucania ferruginescens (Blanchard, 1852). The genitalia of the holotype of Hoplotarsia magna Aurivillius, 1922, an endemic species from this island, are described for the first time. Data on food plants, distribution and descriptions of male and female genitalia (where required) are also given. With this work the species of Robinson Crusoe Island, amounts to thirteen, plus two species incertae sedis, this gives us a total of fifteen species, seven more than reported by AURIVILLIUS et al. (1922).
机译:我们研究了来自鲁滨逊·克鲁索岛的胡安·费尔南德斯群岛的夜蛾科。根据男性生殖器的特征,提出了一个图案钥匙,以区分不同的物种。给出了该区域的三项新记录:银杏(,1830年), Peridroma saucia (Hubner,[1808] 1796年)和>伪白花铁素菌 (Blanchard,1852年)。首次描述了该岛上的特有物种- Aurivillius,1922年的全型生殖器。还提供了有关食用植物,雄性和雌性生殖器分布和描述的数据(需要时)。通过这项工作,鲁滨逊漂流记岛的物种共计13种,加上不安全物种2种,这使我们共有15种,比AURIVILLIUS等人(1922年)报道的多7种。



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