首页> 外文期刊>Silvae Genetica >Analyses of half-diallel mating designs with missing crosses: Theory and SAS program for testing and estimating GCA and SCA variance components

Analyses of half-diallel mating designs with missing crosses: Theory and SAS program for testing and estimating GCA and SCA variance components


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The half-diallel mating design, particularly a series of disconnected half-diallel mating design has been widely adopted as a mating design in many commercially important tree species for estimating the variances of general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities, heritability, and genetic correlation. Standard commercial statistical packages do not allow direct specification of the half-diallel model and therefore are not able to analyse the diallel mating design even for a balanced diallel mating structure (no missing crosses). Published special computer programs for diallel analyses do not provide an adequate solution for GCA and SCA variance components with hypothesis testing for half-diallel mating designs with missing crosses. This paper presents the theory of the method of fitting constants for analysing half-diallel mating designs with or without missing crosses. A SAS computer program (DIARANDM.SAS) for testing hypotheses and estimation of GCA and SCA variance components is developed. The program accommodates multiple variables, multiple environments, environment by GCA and environment by SCA interactions as well as data imbalance (e.g. unequal number of observations among cells and missing cells). The DIARANDM.SAS output includes (1) hypothesis testing for variance components of GCA, SCA and all interaction effects, (2) estimate of GCA, SCA and all interaction variances, (3) estimate of standard error for GCA and SCA and all interaction variance components, and (4) variance and covariance matrix for computing genetic correlations and other genetic and environmental parameters. Two examples are given to demonstrate the use of the program.
机译:半圆角交配设计,尤其是一系列非连续半圆角交配设计,已在许多重要的商业树种中广泛用作交配设计,以估算一般(GCA)和特定(SCA)结合能力,遗传力,和遗传相关。标准的商业统计软件包不允许直接指定半diallel模型,因此即使对于平衡的diallel匹配结构(没有遗漏的交叉点)也无法分析diallel匹配设计。已发布的用于Dialell分析的特殊计算机程序无法对GCA和SCA方差分量提供适当的解决方案,而对于半十字形交配设计(缺少交叉)进行假设检验。本文介绍了用于分析带有或不带有缺失叉的半圆盘配合设计的拟合常数方法的理论。开发了用于测试假设以及估计GCA和SCA方差分量的SAS计算机程序(DIARANDM.SAS)。该程序可容纳多个变量,多个环境,GCA环境和SCA交互环境以及数据不平衡(例如,单元之间和丢失的单元之间观察次数不相等)。 DIARANDM.SAS输出包括(1)对GCA,SCA和所有交互作用的方差成分进行假设检验,(2)对GCA,SCA和所有交互作用方差的估计,(3)对GCA和SCA以及所有交互作用的标准误的估计方差成分,以及(4)方差和协方差矩阵,用于计算遗传相关性以及其他遗传和环境参数。给出了两个示例来演示该程序的使用。



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