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Balancing genetic gain and relatedness in seed orchards


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The traditional way to avoid related mating and subsequent inbreeding depression in seed orchards is to use only unrelated clones for orchard establishment. As tree-breeding programs move to advanced generations, relatedness (coancestry) among candidates for seed orchard selections becomes more common, especially for high breeding value candidates. The traditional way of selecting the ones with the highest breeding value, provided they are unrelated, is referred to Restricted Selection (RS). In order to consider breeding value as well as relatedness, an alternative selection method, based on a value criterion for the whole group of selected clones, is presented in this paper. The method, here called Group Merit Selection (GMS), is based on a suggestion by Lindgren and Mullin (1997), but modified for seed orchard selection by neglecting selfing and self-coancestry. The method can be regarded as the selection of a group of clones that maximizes expected genetic value (predicted genetic gain minus inbreeding depression).



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