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Improving Relationship Extraction from Clinical Notes by Sentence Classification


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In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in automating knowledge extraction from biomedical text, including both clinical notes and published literature. Extracting relationships between concepts in a sentence is an essential step in many knowledge extraction tasks. Identifying whether a sentence contains any relationship between its concepts, can potentially improve all relationship extraction methods. Here we seek to evaluate the effectiveness of binary sentence classification on relationship extraction from clinical notes, as well as the effect of different classes of features on the same task. We use 2010 i2b2/VA shared task clinical notes corpus as the gold standard for evaluation. The sentence binary classification achieves 90.14% f-measure (91.42% precision and 88.9% recall), improving the relationship extraction by 2.19% f-measure.
机译:近年来,人们对从生物医学文本(包括临床笔记和公开文献)中自动提取知识的兴趣日益浓厚。在许多知识提取任务中,提取句子中概念之间的关系是必不可少的步骤。识别一个句子是否包含其概念之间的任何关系,可以潜在地改善所有关系提取方法。在这里,我们试图评估二值句子分类对从临床笔记中提取关系的有效性,以及不同类别的功能对同一任务的影响。我们使用2010 i2b2 / VA共享任务临床笔记语料库作为评估的黄金标准。句子二元分类达到了90.14%的f-measure(91.42%的精度和88.9%的查全率),将关系提取提高了2.19%f-measure。



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