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The avian scavenger crisis: Looming extinctions, trophic cascades, and loss of critical ecosystem functions


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Vultures, which are the only obligate vertebrate scavengers, have experienced the most rapid decline in conservation status of any group of birds over the past decade and comprise the most threatened avian functional guild in the world. Of the 22 vulture species, nine are critically endangered, three are endangered, four are near threatened, and six are least concern. Meanwhile, the vast majority of avian facultative scavenger species, such as corvids and gulls, have stable or increasing populations. We analyze the causes of this stark contrast in status and evaluate what ecological factors contribute to extinction risk for all 106 avian scavenger species. A random forest model shows that diet breadth, proportion scavenged diet, geographic realm, body mass, clutch size and taxonomy are leading predictors of extinction risk. Meanwhile, dietary toxins - most notably poisons and the veterinary drug diclofenac - are by far the most important anthropogenic threat to avian scavengers, comprising the leading cause of decline for 59% of threatened avian scavenger species and 88% of threatened vulture species. Currently, 73% of vulture species are extinction-prone (near threatened, vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered and extinct) and 77% have declining populations, while only 13% of avian facultative scavenger species are extinction-prone and 70% have stable or increasing populations. As vultures decline, populations of many facultative scavengers are growing, causing trophic cascades from increased predation, competition, and invasion. Furthermore, vultures' highly specialized digestive systems efficiently eradicate diseases when consuming carrion, whereas facultative scavengers are more susceptible to contract and transmit diseases among themselves and to humans. We urge immediate action, particularly by regulating lethal dietary toxins, to prevent the extinction of vultures and loss of respective ecosystem services. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:在过去的十年中,秃鹰是唯一专一的脊椎动物清道夫,其鸟类的保护状况下降最快,是世界上受威胁最大的鸟类协会。在22种秃鹰物种中,有9种受到严重威胁,有3种受到威胁,有4种濒临灭绝,有6种是最不用担心的。同时,绝大多数的鸟类兼性清除剂物种,例如弯曲体和海鸥,具有稳定或不断增加的种群。我们分析了这种状况形成鲜明对比的原因,并评估了哪些生态因素导致了所有106种禽清道夫物种灭绝的风险。随机森林模型表明,饮食宽度,清除饮食的比例,地理范围,体重,离合器大小和分类法是导致灭绝风险的主要指标。同时,饮食中的毒素-最明显的是毒物和兽药双氯芬酸-是迄今为止对禽类清道夫的最重要的人为威胁,其中包括59%的濒临灭绝的禽类和88%的秃v减少的主要原因。目前,有73%的秃鹰物种容易灭绝(濒临灭绝,脆弱,濒危,极度濒临灭绝和灭绝),而种群数量下降的则有77%,而禽类兼性清除物种只有13%易于灭绝,而70%的物种稳定或灭绝。人口增加。随着秃鹰数量的减少,许多兼职清道夫的数量正在增长,由于掠食,竞争和入侵的增加而导致营养级联。此外,秃鹰的高度专业化的消化系统在消耗腐肉时可以有效地根除疾病,而兼职清除者更容易在人与人之间感染和传播疾病。我们敦促立即采取行动,特别是通过调节致死性饮食毒素,以防止秃鹰灭绝和相应的生态系统服务丧失。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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