首页> 外文期刊>Secheresse: Science et Changements Planetaires >Agricultural innovations in small-scale farming systems of Sudano-Sahelian West Africa: Some prerequisites for success

Agricultural innovations in small-scale farming systems of Sudano-Sahelian West Africa: Some prerequisites for success


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Intensified land use leading to ever shorter fallow periods, overuse of crop residues and woody perennials for feed, as fire wood and construction material, and temporary overstocking of pastures have shaped our image of doomsday scenarios in Sudano-Sahelian West Africa. While the described phenomena have undoubtedly contributed to a widespread decline in soil productivity of the vast marginal agro-pastoral millet and sorghum based land use systems, a few, largely overlooked, innovations have allowedenhancing productivity across a range of agro-ecological and socio-economic conditions. These are worthwhile to analyse in order to better understand how the well-known constraints to farmers' investments in more sustainable agro-pastoral production systems can be overcome. Successful innovations such as the locally made 'charette', a donkey-drawn, single axe farm transport vehicle, and the counter-season cultivation and regional marketing of onion have transformed subsistence agriculture in Niger since the 1970s. More recently the use of small amounts of seed-placed mineral phosphorus fertilizer (propagated as 'microdosing' by NGOs, FAO and the Gates Foundation) in millet and sorghum, a sprawling use of urban and periurban land for the highly intensive production of vegetables, specialty crops and sometimes also milk, as well as the fattening of small ruminants for religious festivals provide opportunities to effectively strengthen poor people's livelihood strategies and enhance their food sovereignty, often without involvement of extension services. The factors which seem to determine the success of such approaches are (i) their capacity to enhance farmers' access to markets (secure sales and cash earning), (ii) the possibility to adopt an innovation with only small amounts of capital (low entrance fee), and (iii) limited risk of failure despite high rainfall variability (safe return on investment). These factors add to the recent spread of real-time information about consumer demands and pricesfor agricultural goods across the region which is largely the result of the mobile phone revolution in Africa.
机译:土地使用的加剧导致休耕期的缩短,过度使用农作物残留物和多年生木本作饲料(用作薪柴和建筑材料)以及牧场的暂时积压,已经塑造了我们在苏达诺-萨赫勒西部非洲的世界末日情景。尽管所描述的现象无疑导致了基于边际农牧小米和高粱的土地利用系统的土壤生产力的普遍下降,但一些被很大程度上忽略了的创新却使整个农业生态和社会经济领域的生产力得以提高。条件。为了更好地了解如何克服农民对更可持续的农牧生产系统投资的众所周知的限制,这些都是值得分析的。自1970年代以来,成功的创新,例如本地制造的“ charette”,驴拉制的单斧农用运输工具以及反季节栽培和洋葱的区域销售,已经改变了尼日尔的自给农业。最近,在小米和高粱中使用了少量种子植入的矿物磷肥(由非政府组织,粮农组织和盖茨基金会宣传为“微剂量”),大量使用城市和郊区土地来高度集约化生产蔬菜,特种农作物,有时还包括牛奶,以及为宗教节日增肥小反刍动物,为有效地加强穷人的谋生策略和增强其粮食主权提供了机会,而这些往往往往没有推广服务。似乎决定这种方法成功的因素是:(i)他们增强农民进入市场的能力(安全的销售和现金收入),(ii)仅采用少量资本就可以采用创新的可能性(低进入)费用);以及(iii)尽管降雨多变(安全的投资回报率),但失败风险有限。这些因素加剧了有关消费者需求和农产品价格的实时信息在整个区域的传播,这很大程度上是非洲移动电话革命的结果。



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