首页> 外文期刊>Seizure: the journal of the British Epilepsy Association >Ictal asystole--late manifestation of partial epilepsy and importance of cardiac pacemaker.

Ictal asystole--late manifestation of partial epilepsy and importance of cardiac pacemaker.


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Ictal asystole (IA) is a life-threatening complication of epilepsy and is a potential mechanism of sudden unexplained death in epilepsy (SUDEP). This entity has been proven by multiple case reports and small case series. The management of the patients with IA is still in early phase of discussion. We report a patient with medically intractable cryptogenic partial epilepsy for 27 years who presented with new onset drop attacks. During the epilepsy monitoring unit stay he was found to have a left fronto-temporal partial onset seizures which triggered brady-arrhythmia followed by asystole for 20s. A cardiac pacemaker was implanted and the patient was followed for 2 years. He continued to have simple and complex partial seizures but did not have drop attacks anymore. He still occasionally feels the activation of his pacemaker during simple partial phase of his seizures but the characteristic loss of muscle tone never happened again which made him highly satisfied. Our case demonstrates that IA can even happen decades after the onset of epilepsy. Cardiac pacemaker should be considered in all patients with IA as it prevents ictal falls and possibly SUDEP.
机译:眼动停止(IA)是癫痫的危及生命的并发症,并且是癫痫猝死(SUDEP)的潜在机制。该实体已通过多个案例报告和小案例系列得到证明。 IA患者的治疗仍处于讨论的早期阶段。我们报告了一位患有医学顽固性隐源性部分性癫痫的患者长达27年,并出现了新的发作下降发作。在癫痫病监护室住院期间,发现他患有额颞叶局部发作,引发了心律失常性心律失常,随后出现了20s的心律失常。植入了心脏起搏器,并对患者进行了2年的随访。他继续有简单和复杂的部分发作,但不再有跌落发作。在癫痫发作的简单局部阶段,他仍然偶尔会感觉到起搏器的激活,但是肌肉张力的特征性丧失再也没有发生,这使他感到非常满意。我们的案例表明,IA甚至可能在癫痫发作后几十年发生。在所有IA患者中都应考虑使用心脏起搏器,因为它可以防止眼部坠落和SUDEP发作。



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