首页> 外文期刊>Selbyana >A New Epiphytic Species of Blakea (Melastomataceae: Blakeeae) from the Caribbean Rain Forest of Costa Rica

A New Epiphytic Species of Blakea (Melastomataceae: Blakeeae) from the Caribbean Rain Forest of Costa Rica


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Blakea hammettiorum, a new species from low elevation rain forests of southeastern Costa Rica is described, illustrated, and compared with its closest presumed relatives in the Mesoamerican region. In addition to its glabrous, coriaceous leaves with acarodomatia on the abaxial surfaces, and laterally coherent anther thecae, this new species is distinguished by its narrowly oblong, apically rounded petals, narrow free floral bracts with scattered spreading gland-tipped frichomes on the adaxial surface, hypanthia that are covered with a dense but inconspicuous matted furfuraceous indument, and calyx lobes that are conspicuously glandular-setose at the apex.
机译:描述,说明并说明了哥斯达黎加东南部低海拔雨林中的新物种Blakea hammettiorum,并将其与其在中美洲地区的最接近的亲属进行了比较。除了其无毛的,具胶毛的叶片的背面具小畸形,和侧面连贯的花药卵泡,这个新物种的特征还在于其狭长的椭圆形,顶端圆形的花瓣,狭窄的自由花片,在其正表面上散布着散布着腺体的ic毛丘脑,覆盖着密集但不显眼的糠醛糠状结节,花萼裂片在先端明显具腺性刚毛。



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