首页> 外文期刊>Sensors and Actuators, A. Physical >Ferromagnetic metal/semiconductor heterostructures for magneto-electronic devices

Ferromagnetic metal/semiconductor heterostructures for magneto-electronic devices


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We have successfully grown single crystal Fe films on InAs(100) and InAs(graded)/GaAs(100) substrates using molecular beam epitaxy. In situ magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) and ex situ alternating gradient field magnetometry (AGFM) measurements show that the films have well defined magnetic properties, and I-V measurements in the temperature range 2.5-304 K show that Fe forms an ohmic contact on InAs. This demonstrates that Fe/InAs is a very promising system for use in future magneto-electronic devices as it has both favorable magnetic and electrical properties. We also show that with careful substrate preparation and suitable growth conditions Fe/GaAs films do not exhibit a magnetically 'dead' layer at the interface. A spin-polarized field effect transistor based on Fe/InAs/GaAs has been proposed, which could operate using either an external electric field or an external magnetic field.
机译:我们已经成功地使用分子束外延在InAs(100)和InAs(渐变)/ GaAs(100)衬底上生长了单晶铁膜。原位磁光克尔效应(MOKE)和异位交变梯度磁场法(AGFM)测量表明,薄膜具有良好的磁性,而在2.5-304 K的温度范围内的IV测量表明,Fe在薄膜上形成了欧姆接触。 InAs。这表明,Fe / InAs具有良好的磁性能和电性能,因此在未来的磁电子设备中是非常有前途的系统。我们还表明,经过精心的基板准备和合适的生长条件,Fe / GaAs膜在界面处不会显示出磁性的“死”层。已经提出了基于Fe / InAs / GaAs的自旋极化场效应晶体管,其可以使用外部电场或外部磁场来操作。



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