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Section 18 for Gaucho requested to combat soybean aphid


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Concerns over the spread of the soybean aphid in several Midwestern states prompted some states to contact EPA to request Section 18 usage for Imidacloprid (Gaucho 480F) seed treatment on soybeans. The soybean aphid can damage soybean plants as wellas serve as a vector for several serious soybean viruses. Soybean aphid can kill soybean plants if an insecticide is not used. Heavy populations coat foliage with a sticky substance, which can result in mold growth on soybean leaves. The mold growth can, in turn, reduce photosynthesis and contribute to yield loss. While foliar insecticides have been used to help cut aphid populations, pest populations can rebound to levels at least as high as pre-treatment levels within a week of application, reports John Wedberg, emeritus professor of entomology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This could be related to toxicity to insect predators also present in treated fields. Systemic action by seed treatments should avoid direct damage to non-target species, adds Wedberg. In January, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection contacted EPA to request Section 18 usage for Gaucho 480F seed treatment on soybeans. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture followed suit in February. Gustafson, LLC, the manufacturer of the seed treatment, has supported these applications, says Sue Shen, the company's director of regulatory affairs.
机译:对中西部几个州大豆蚜虫传播的担忧促使一些州与EPA联系,要求使用第18条对大豆吡虫啉(Gaucho 480F)种子进行处理。大豆蚜虫可以破坏大豆植物,同时也可以作为几种严重大豆病毒的媒介。如果不使用杀虫剂,大豆蚜虫可以杀死大豆植物。大量的人口用粘性物质覆盖树叶,这可能导致大豆叶片上发霉。霉菌的生长反过来会减少光合作用,并导致产量下降。威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校昆虫学名誉教授约翰·韦德伯格(John Wedberg)报道说,虽然叶面杀虫剂已被用来帮助减少蚜虫种群,但害虫种群可以在施用一周内反弹至至少与预处理水平一样高的水平。这可能与对治疗田中也存在的对昆虫捕食者的毒性有关。韦德伯格补充说,种子处理的全身作用应避免对非目标物种的直接损害。 1月份,威斯康星州农业,贸易和消费者保护部与EPA联系,要求将第18节用于大豆Gaucho 480F种子处理。明尼苏达州农业部也于2月采取了类似行动。该公司法规事务总监Sue Shen说,种子处理的制造商Gustafson,LLC支持了这些应用程序。



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