首页> 外文期刊>SEAISI Quarterly >Process Improvements in Rolling Mills by Using Safeset Torque Limiting Coupling

Process Improvements in Rolling Mills by Using Safeset Torque Limiting Coupling


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High demands and harsh operation conditions in the steel industry are pushing the rolling mills to their limits. New Heavy Plate Mills are set up around the world, normally using a motor power of 2x10000 kW. Steel specifications are getting increasingly demanding with continuous improvements on yield and tensile strength. Besides the newly built rolling mills there are numerous plant modernizations ongoing. The engineering tasks are coping with dimensional constraints, process optimization and handling overload in the driveline. This paper describes the torque limiting coupling, Safeset. The purpose for the Safeset coupling is to ensure minimized unscheduled downtime and making it possible running the rolling mill at its limits. The Safeset protect the driveline against catastrophic failure, by preventing consequential damage at the mill because of a torque overload condition. The Safeset coupling is used for the drivelines in all kinds of rolling mills, from small Wire Rod Mills to big reversing Heavy Plate Mills. As a case study, the paper also describes the system approach taken during a modernization of an existing reversing Plate Mill, and details the successful result of the project. The project includes installation of a Torque Monitoring System, Safeset Torque Limiting Coupling and Universal Joint Drive Shafts, all supplied by Voith.
机译:钢铁行业的高要求和苛刻的运行条件将轧机推向极限。新的重型板轧机在全球范围内建立,通常使用2x10000 kW的电动机功率。随着屈服强度和抗拉强度的不断提高,对钢的规格要求越来越高。除了新建的轧机外,还有许多工厂正在进行现代化改造。工程任务是应对尺寸约束,过程优化和处理动力传动系统中的过载。本文介绍了扭矩限制联轴器Safeset。 Safeset联轴器的目的是确保最小的计划外停机时间,并使轧机在极限运行。 Safeset可防止扭矩过大情况对磨机造成连带破坏,从而保护传动系统免受灾难性故障的影响。从小型线材轧机到大型可逆厚板轧机,Safeset联轴器可用于各种轧机的传动系统。作为案例研究,本文还描述了在现有可逆平板轧机现代化过程中采用的系统方法,并详细介绍了该项目的成功成果。该项目包括安装扭矩监控系统,Safeset扭矩限制联轴器和万向节驱动轴,全部由福伊特提供。



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