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Lindera melissifolia Seed Bank Study in a Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley Bottomland Forest

机译:Lindera melissifolia种子库在密西西比河下游冲积谷低地森林中的研究

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Lindera melissifolia (Walter) Blume, or pondberry, is federally listed as an endangered shrub and grows in warm, humid lowland forests of seven states in the southeastern United States. The dioecious plants usually form clonal colonies as a result ofrhizome sprouting. Although L. melissifolia can annually produce many bright red spicy scented drupes, information on reproduction of the species is limited to its clonal regenerative capabilities. We examined the survival of L. melissifolia seeds held within bags for up to l y in a soil seed bank. Half of the bags were buried and the other half left on the soil surface. Additionally, bags contained seeds either with the oily fruit pulp removed or with drupes left intact. Results indicated that the presence or absence of the pulp does not significantly affect seed survival. However, the viability of buried seeds was greater than 50% by the end of 1 y, whereas over 70% of the seeds left on the surface were rotten or missing. Buried seeds were seven times more likely to produce seedlings in the field than those left on the soil surface. Because I. melissifolia seedlings are not often observed in naturally occurring populations despite the production of viable seeds, it is likely that environmental conditions or other biotic factors limit the field distribution and sustainability of seedlings.
机译:Lindera melissifolia(Walter)Blume,或称彭博莓,被联邦政府列为濒危灌木,生长在美国东南部七个州的温暖潮湿的低地森林中。由于根茎萌芽,雌雄异株的植物通常形成克隆菌落。尽管梅氏乳杆菌每年可以生产许多鲜红色的辣味核果,但有关该物种繁殖的信息仅限于其克隆再生能力。我们检查了土壤种子库中袋装L. melissifolia种子的存活率,最多可达l y。一半的袋子被掩埋,另一半留在土壤表面。此外,袋中装有种子,去除了油性果肉或完整保留核果。结果表明,果肉的存在与否均不会显着影响种子的存活。但是,到1年结束时,埋藏种子的生存力大于50%,而表面上剩下的种子中有70%以上是烂掉或丢失的。埋在地下的种子在田间产生苗的可能性是留在土壤表面的种子的可能性的七倍。因为尽管产生了有活力的种子,但在自然种群中并不经常观察到鸢尾幼苗,因此环境条件或其他生物因素可能限制了幼苗的田间分布和可持续性。



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