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A Review of Dispersal of Acorns by the Eurasian Jay: Implications for Colonisation of Oak in Scotland


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Studies from Europe and North America show that jays are frequently the primary dispersal agent for acorns, caching acorns in prodigious numbers (up to 8000 per bird per season) and transporting them distances of between 250 m and 1 km and occasionally 5 km or more. Under the right conditions, these translocated acorns develop into new oak woodland. This is the main process through which colonisation by oak happens at landscape scale. Acorns form a very important part of the diet of jays, and the oaks depend on jays for long distance dispersal. The nature of this relationship is not known in Scotland, though a recent study has recorded the first example of oak colonisation by jays (Scottish Forestry, this edition). Understanding this phenomenon canhelp to guide improved native woodland management to enable the regeneration of oak, and is important in the context of woodland fragmentation and forest succession.
机译:来自欧洲和北美的研究表明,松鸦通常是橡子的主要传播媒介,会大量繁殖橡子(每只鸟每季最多容纳8000只),并且运输距离在250 m至1 km之间,偶尔会达到5 km或更长。在适当的条件下,这些易位的橡子将变成新的橡树林。这是橡木在景观尺度上发生定殖的主要过程。橡子是周杰伦饮食中非常重要的组成部分,而橡树则依赖于周杰伦进行远距离传播。这种关系的性质在苏格兰尚不为人所知,尽管最近的一项研究记录了美洲虎(jays)在橡树上定居的第一个例子(苏格兰林业,本版)。理解这种现象可以帮助指导改善本地林地的管理,以实现橡木的再生,并且在林地破碎和森林演替的背景下非常重要。



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