首页> 外文期刊>Scottish Forestry >The selection of tree species for forestry in Scotland- strategic arguments in favour of maintaining diversity

The selection of tree species for forestry in Scotland- strategic arguments in favour of maintaining diversity


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Forest policy objectives in Scotland currently indicate the continued significant expansion of woodland cover by tree planting. This maintains a process begun in the 1600s, which has gained pace since the early 1900s. However, in contrast with earlierperiods, the last 40 years have seen a concentration of the woodland expansion effort around two contrasting models (i) plantation afforestation dominated by Sitka spruce and (ii) new native woodland habitat creation using tree species regarded as native to Scotland during the present (Holocene) interglacial period. There has been much less expansion involving the wider range of valuable tree species that have previously been introduced to Scotland (eg Douglas fir, silver firs, larches, cedars, beech,sycamore), and a reduced willingness to experiment (beyond the arboretum scale) with fresh introductions which could be potentially beneficial to long-term forest productivity (eg Pacific silver fir, Nootka cypress, walnut).



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