首页> 外文期刊>Molecular Microbiology >Quorum sensing and the LysR-type transcriptional activator ToxR regulate toxoflavin biosynthesis and transport in Burkholderia glumae

Quorum sensing and the LysR-type transcriptional activator ToxR regulate toxoflavin biosynthesis and transport in Burkholderia glumae


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Burkholderia glumae BGR1 produces a broad-host range phytotoxin, called toxoflavin, which is a key pathogenicity factor in rice grain rot and wilt in many field crops. Our molecular and genetic analyses of toxoflavin-deficient mutants demonstrated that gene clusters for toxoflavin production consist of four transcriptional units. The toxoflavin biosynthesis genes were composed of five genes, toxA to toxE, as Suzuki et al. (2004) reported previously. Genes toxF to toxI, which are responsible for toxoflavin transport, were polycistronic and similar to the genes for resistance-nodulation-division (RND) efflux systems. Using Tn3-gusA reporter fusions, we found that ToxR, a LysR-type regulator, regulates both the toxABCDE and toxFGHI operons in the presence of toxoflavin as a coinducer. In addition, the expression of both operons required a transcriptional activator, ToxJ, whose expression is regulated by quorum sensing. TofI, a LuxI homologue, was responsible for the biosynthesis of both N-hexanoyl homoserine lactone and N-octanoyl homoserine lactone (C8-HSL). C8-HSL and its cognate receptor TofR, a LuxR homologue, activated toxJ expression. This is the first report that quorum sensing is involved in pathogenicity by the regulation of phytotoxin biosynthesis and its transport in plant pathogenic bacteria.
机译:伯克霍尔德氏菌BGR1产生一种广泛宿主的植物毒素,称为毒素黄素,这是许多田间作物稻米腐烂和枯萎的关键致病因素。我们对缺乏毒素的突变体的分子和遗传分析表明,产生毒素的基因簇由四个转录单位组成。如Suzuki等人所述,毒素黄素的生物合成基因由五个基因组成,即toxA到toxE。 (2004年)以前报道。 toxI到toxI的基因,是毒素黄素的运输,是多顺反子的,类似于抗性结节分裂(RND)外排系统的基因。使用Tn3-gusA报告基因融合蛋白,我们发现在存在黄素作为共同诱导剂的情况下,LysR型调节剂ToxR调节toxABCDE和toxFGHI操纵子。此外,两个操纵子的表达都需要一个转录激活因子ToxJ,其表达受群体感应调控。 TofI,LuxI同源物,负责N-己酰基高丝氨酸内酯和N-辛酰基高丝氨酸内酯(C8-HSL)的生物合成。 C8-HSL及其相关受体TofR(LuxR同源物)激活了toxJ表达。这是有关群体感应通过调节植物毒素生物合成及其在植物病原细菌中的运输而致病的报道。



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