首页> 外文期刊>Scandinavian journal of public health >Self-reported medicine use among 11- to 15-year-old girls and boys in Denmark 1988-1998.

Self-reported medicine use among 11- to 15-year-old girls and boys in Denmark 1988-1998.


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Aims: To describe the self-reported medicine use for common health complaints among 11-15-year-olds in Denmark during a ten year period, 1988-1998. The paper focuses on medicine for headache, stomach ache, cough, cold, nervousness, and difficulties in getting to sleep. Methods: Four cross-sectional surveys of 11-15-year-old students in random samples of schools in Denmark, conducted in 1988 (n=1,671), 1991 (n=1,860), 1994 (n=4,046) and 1998 (n=5,205). The surveys were similar with regard to sampling and data collection. Data were collected by self-administered questionnaires in the classroom. Results: A large proportion of 11-15-year-olds reported medicine use during the past month. It was most common to take medicines for headache (used by 55% of 15-year-old girls and 36% of 15-year-old boys in 1998) and stomach ache (33% among 15-year-old girls in 1998). Pain reliever use was higher among girls than boys and this sex difference increased with age. There was an upward trend in reported medicine use from 1988 to 1998, in particular regarding medicine for stomach-ache among 13- and 15-year-old girls. A large proportion of girls were frequent users of medicine for headache, stomach-ache, and sleeping difficulties. Conclusion: A high proportion of 11-15-year-old girls and boys reported medicine use in relation to common health complaints. The proportion of users increased during the past decade. It is suggested that more information about medicine be built into health education programs in the future.
机译:目的:描述在1988年至1998年的十年期间,丹麦11-15岁的青少年自我报告的药物用于常见健康投诉。该论文重点研究头痛,胃痛,咳嗽,感冒,神经质和入睡困难的药物。方法:1988年(n = 1,671),1991(n = 1,860),1994(n = 4,046)和1998(n)对丹麦11到15岁的学生进行随机抽样抽样的四次横断面调查。 = 5,205)。这些调查在抽样和数据收集方面相似。数据是在教室中通过自我管理的问卷收集的。结果:在过去的一个月中,有11-15岁的年轻人中有很大一部分报告了用药情况。最常见的药物是治疗头痛(1998年15%的15%的女孩中有55%,15岁男孩中的36%)和胃痛(1998年15岁的女孩中33%) 。女孩的止痛药使用率高于男孩,并且这种性别差异随着年龄的增长而增加。从1988年到1998年,报告的药物使用呈上升趋势,特别是在13岁和15岁女孩的胃痛药物方面。大部分女孩因头痛,胃痛和睡眠困难而经常使用药物。结论:11-15岁的女孩和男孩中有很大一部分报告了与常见健康投诉有关的药物使用情况。在过去十年中,用户比例有所增加。建议将来将更多有关医学的信息纳入健康教育计划。



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