首页> 外文期刊>Scandinavian journal of plastic and reconstructive surgery and hand surgery >Rupture of the extensor pollicis longus tendon: a study of aetiological factors.

Rupture of the extensor pollicis longus tendon: a study of aetiological factors.


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Although rupture of the extensor pollicis longus (EPL) tendon is a well-known complication of distal radial fractures, a number of patients rupture the EPL because of other conditions. We have retrospectively studied the aetiology of 27 ruptures of the EPL in 26 consecutive patients. Of 19 patients with injured wrists 12 had distal radial fractures, five had blunt trauma, and two had stab wounds that resulted in rupture. In the radial fractures operated on, the EPL rupture was caused by chafing against a dorsal plate (n = 2) or wear against the pins of an external fixator (n = 2). Six patients were taking steroids for systemic diseases and in two cases a local steroid injection was given just before the rupture. We conclude that previous injury is the most common cause of rupture of the EPL. but that rheumatoid arthritis or local or systemic steroids, or both, are also important aetiological factors. Seven patients had an iatrogenic cause for their rupture.
机译:尽管长伸肌腱(EPL)肌腱断裂是远端radial骨骨折的众所周知的并发症,但许多患者由于其他情况而使EPL断裂。我们回顾性研究了连续26例患者中27例EPL破裂的病因。在19例腕部受伤的患者中,有12例发生了远端radial骨骨折,其中5例受到钝器创伤,另外2例因刺伤而破裂。在进行的radial骨骨折中,EPL破裂是由于擦伤背板(n = 2)或磨损了外部固定器的销钉(n = 2)引起的。六例患者正在接受类固醇激素治疗全身性疾病,其中两例在破裂前进行了局部类固醇注射。我们得出的结论是,先前的受伤是EPL破裂的最常见原因。但类风湿关节炎或局部或全身性类固醇,或两者兼而有之,也是重要的病因。七名患者的医源性破裂原因。



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