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How business management software systems can help you profit from inventory control


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Inventory. It tends to be a difficult subject for many outdoor power equipment dealers. You love the fact that the merchandise you carry makes you money, but hate the fact that it's something you constantly have to monitor. Like it or not, now is the time when it should be a focal point, and here's why: The majority of OPE dealers neglect their inventory, and it's costing them dearly. To put it into perspective, if you misplace $100 worth of parts because you don't have organized bins, or accidentally damage $100 worth of parts because they got in the way, it could take as much as $1,000-$1,200 worth of sales to make up the loss, since the dollars you make come in net profit. There's also a good chance you're paying more than you need to in insurance and inventory taxes at the end of the year because you aren't keeping your stocking quantities lean. Having money tied up in over-stocked items and obsolete parts can cost you more than any other area of your business.
机译:库存。对于许多户外动力设备经销商而言,这往往是一个困难的课题。您喜欢这样的事实,即所携带的商品能赚钱,但讨厌这样的事实,即您必须经常监视这一事实。不管喜欢与否,现在是应该成为焦点的时候了,原因如下:大多数OPE经销商都忽略了他们的库存,这使他们付出了高昂的代价。换个角度看,如果由于您没有组织好垃圾箱而错放了价值100美元的零件,或者由于它们的阻碍而意外损坏了价值100美元的零件,则可能需要多达$ 1,000- $ 1,200的销售收入弥补损失,因为您赚的钱来自净利润。在年底,您很有可能支付了超出保险和库存税所需的金额,这是因为您没有使库存数量保持精简状态。将金钱捆绑在库存过多和陈旧的零件上可能比您在业务的任何其他领域花费更多。



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