首页> 外文期刊>Russian journal of electrochemistry >The effect of dissolved oxygen on the rate of pulsed electrodeposition of copper and bismuth nanowires under the conditions of template synthesis

The effect of dissolved oxygen on the rate of pulsed electrodeposition of copper and bismuth nanowires under the conditions of template synthesis


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The effect of dissolved oxygen on the electrodeposition under the conditions of template synthesis (the fabrication of arrays of meso- and nanowires by the electrochemical deposition into the aluminum oxide membranes with pore diameter of 20 to 200 nm, which were coated with a conducting metal on one side) is studied. It is shown that, when the deposition rate is controlled by mass transfer, it can be raised by using the pulsed electrolysis due to additional delivery of electroactive substance during a pause. However, the method is limited by the material corrosion during the pause (this is shown by the examples of copper deposition from the pyrophosphate solution and bismuth deposition from the nitrate solution). By the example of copper deposition from the pyrophosphate electrolyte, it is shown that corrosion proceeds with oxygen depolarization. The electrodeposition in the inert gas atmosphere gives the possibility to raise the deposition rate by several times, and the rate becomes close to the Faradaic one.
机译:模板合成条件下溶解氧对电沉积的影响(通过电化学沉积在孔径为20至200 nm的氧化铝膜中制备介观和纳米线阵列,并在其上涂覆导电金属)一侧)被研究。已表明,当通过传质控制沉积速率时,由于在暂停期间电活性物质的额外输送,可以通过使用脉冲电解来提高沉积速率。但是,该方法受到暂停过程中材料腐蚀的限制(例如焦磷酸盐溶液中的铜沉积和硝酸盐溶液中的铋沉积)。以从焦磷酸盐电解质中沉积铜为例,表明腐蚀随着氧的去极化而进行。在惰性气体气氛中进行电沉积可以将沉积速率提高数倍,并且沉积速率接近法拉第沉积速率。



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