
Bony sheathed chorda tympani: a unique case of incudomalleolar fixation.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe a unilateral conductive hearing loss caused by restriction of the movements of malleus and incus due to chorda tympani in a bony sheath. PATIENT: A 23-year-old man with a stable mild conductive hearing loss in the left ear and mild sensorineural hearing loss in the right ear. INTERVENTION: An exploratory tympanotomy was performed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Immobility of the ossicles due to a bony structure, which was found to be chorda tympani encircled in a bony sheath. Ossicular system regained its mobility with the severance of the chorda tympani. RESULTS: Hearing was improved both subjectively and audiographically. CONCLUSION: This is the second case of chorda tympani with a bony sheath and the first case of this pathologic finding affecting both malleus and incus. Bony sheathed chorda tympani is considered to be a congenital anomaly of the chorda tympani that causes incudomalleolar fixation and behaves as posterior bony bars.



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