
Bell's palsy before Bell: Cornelis Stalpart van der Wiel's observation of Bell's palsy in 1683.

机译:贝尔在贝尔之前的麻痹:1683年,康妮利斯·斯塔尔帕特·范·德·维尔(Cornelis Stalpart van der Wiel)对贝尔麻痹的观察。

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Bell's palsy is named after Sir Charles Bell (1774-1842), who has long been considered to be the first to describe idiopathic facial paralysis in the early 19th century. However, it was discovered that Nicolaus Anton Friedreich (1761-1836) and James Douglas (1675-1742) preceded him in the 18th century. Recently, an even earlier account of Bell's palsy was found, as observed by Cornelis Stalpart van der Wiel (1620-1702) from The Hague, The Netherlands in 1683. Because our current knowledge of the history of Bell's palsy before Bell is limited to a few documents, it is interesting to discuss Stalpart van der Wiel's description and determine its additional value for the history of Bell's palsy. It is concluded that Cornelis Stalpart van der Wiel was the first to record Bell's palsy in 1683. His manuscript provides clues for future historical research.
机译:贝尔的麻痹症以查尔斯·贝尔(Sir Charles Bell,1774-1842年)爵士命名,长期以来,贝尔一直被认为是描述特发性面部瘫痪的首位患者。然而,人们发现尼古拉·安东·弗里德里希(Nicolaus Anton Friedreich,1761-1836年)和詹姆斯·道格拉斯(James Douglas,1675-1742年)在18世纪早于他。最近,人们发现了贝尔麻痹的更早描述,如1683年来自荷兰海牙的Cornelis Stalpart van der Wiel(1620-1702)所观察到的。很少有文件可以讨论Stalpart van der Wiel的描述并确定其对贝尔麻痹历史的附加价值。结论是,Cornelis Stalpart van der Wiel是1683年第一个记录贝尔麻痹的人。他的手稿为将来的历史研究提供了线索。



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