
Cranial thickness in superior canal dehiscence syndrome: implications for canal resurfacing surgery.


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OBJECTIVE: To use morphometric analyses of cranial thickness to investigate 2 cases of unanticipated calvarial bone resorption in superior canal dehiscence (SCD) resurfacing surgery. DESIGN: Retrospective morphometric analysis of high-resolution computed tomography (CT) temporal bone scans in normal and control subjects with accompanying case reports. SETTING: Tertiary care referral center. PATIENTS: Two patients with SCD and failed resurfacing because of bone resorption. Temporal bone CT scans from 30 sex-matched controls. INTERVENTION: Resurfacing of SCD via a middle fossa approach using a split thickness calvarial graft from the craniotomy site. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Mean cross-sectional area of the middle fossa craniotomy bone flap and mean cranial thickness at 30 and 45 degrees above the middle fossa floor. RESULTS: Two patients had delayed failure of SCD resurfacing surgery as manifested by return of symptoms. High-resolution CT scans in both, and intraoperative confirmation in one, confirmed resorption of the bone graft. Measurements of cross-sectional area of the middle fossa craniotomy on high-resolution CT scans demonstrated significantly reduced values in the two SCD patients as compared with normal controls (Mann-Whitney U test, p<0.05). Cranial thickness outside the squamous temporal bone was reduced but did not reach statistical significance. CONCLUSION: Morphometric measurements of the calvarium have demonstrated that the squamous temporal bone is thinner in patients with SCD as compared with controls. Thus, the process leading to defects in the tegmen extends beyond the petrous pyramid. This suggests that there may be extratemporal factors leading to the development of a dehiscence. These findings also have implications for the surgical treatment of this disorder. Resurfacing methods may have a higher failure rate as the bone graft has reduced mass and maybe prone to resorption. Canal plugging methods may provide a more definitive means of addressing the dehiscent labyrinth than resurfacing.
机译:目的:采用形态计量学分析颅骨厚度,以调查2例上颌干裂开孔(SCD)覆膜手术中意外颅骨吸收的病例。设计:对正常和对照对象的高分辨率计算机断层扫描(CT)颞骨扫描进行回顾性形态计量学分析,并附有病例报告。地点:三级医疗转诊中心。患者:2例SCD且由于骨吸收而无法重铺表面的患者。来自30个性别匹配对照的颞骨CT扫描。干预:使用中颅窝方法,使用颅骨切开部位的切开厚度的颅骨移植物,对SCD进行表面重铺。主要观察指标:中颅窝开颅骨瓣平均横截面面积和中颅窝上方30度和45度的平均颅骨厚度。结果:2例患者的SCD换肤手术延迟失败,症状恢复。两者均进行了高分辨率的CT扫描,并且一次进行了术中确认,证实了骨移植物的吸收。通过高分辨率CT扫描测量中颅窝开颅手术的横截面积显示,与正常对照组相比,两名SCD患者的值明显降低(Mann-Whitney U检验,p <0.05)。颞鳞外的颅骨厚度减少,但未达到统计学意义。结论:颅骨形态测量表明,与对照组相比,SCD患者的颞颞骨较薄。因此,导致筋骨缺陷的过程超出了岩石金字塔的范围。这表明可能有颞外因素导致开裂的发展。这些发现也对该疾病的外科治疗有影响。由于骨移植物的质量降低并且可能易于吸收,因此重铺方法可能具有更高的失败率。与重新铺装相比,运河填塞方法可能提供更明确的方法来解决开裂迷宫问题。



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