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Pioneer pilots: UAV officer career track creates new breed of fighter jocks


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When an F-16 pilot points admiringly at an MQ-1 Predator unmanned aerial vehicle and says he'd rather fly that, you know the times they are achangin'. Deep in the Nevada desert, an aerospace revolution is happening. Creech Air Force Base doesn't look like any other U.S. Air Force base. Its remote location with minimal services in the nearby town of Indian Springs, population 2,000, means that most airmen assigned to Creech opt to live an hour's dusty drive away in Las Vegas or at the huge Nellis Air Force Base. Creech has a very modem, still-under-construction appearance with new roads and roundabouts appearing daily, and spanking-clean facility buildings and hangars. And then there's what's peeking out of those hangars: more than 100 futuristic-looking Predator and MQ-9 Reaper UAVs, each looking like half insect, half Star Wars prop. But while Creech may look remote and other-worldly, its airmen and UAVs fight every day in the war zones of Iraq, Afghanistan and the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region. And it's that ability to be in the fight that makes the Predator and Reaper an appealing career track, even for traditional fighter pilots.
机译:当F-16飞行员钦佩地指向MQ-1“捕食者”无人飞行器并说他宁愿驾驶那架飞机时,就知道它们一直在变化。在内华达州沙漠深处,一场航空航天革命正在发生。克里奇空军基地看上去与美国其他空军基地不同。它位于偏远地区,在附近的印第安斯普林斯(人口为2,000)镇,提供的服务很少,这意味着大多数派往Creech的飞行员选择在拉斯维加斯或巨大的内利斯空军基地住一个小时的尘土飞扬的车程。克里奇(Creech)具有非常现代的,仍在建设中的外观,每天都有新的道路和回旋处出现,并且打扫干净的设施建筑物和机库。然后是那些机库中的东西:100多种具有未来派风格的Predator和MQ-9 Reaper无人机,每一种看起来像是一半昆虫,一半是《星球大战》道具。但是,尽管克雷奇(Creech)看上去偏僻而世外桃源,但它的飞行员和无人机每天都在伊拉克,阿富汗和阿富汗-巴基斯坦边境地区的战区作战。正是这种战斗能力使捕食者和收割者成为有吸引力的职业道路,即使对于传统的战斗机飞行员而言。



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