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Combining ability analysis for important traits in bread wheat.


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This research was conducted at the experimental field of Plant Breeding and Genetics Department, NWFP Agricultural University, Peshawar, during 2001-03, to study combining abilities of important traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in a 8x8 half diallel crosses. The varieties included in this study were; Ghaznavi-98, Fakhre Sarhad, Tatara, Takbeer, SQ-92, SARC-3, ICP-3 and Dera-98. Mean squares for general combining ability were highly significant for days to heading, flag leaf area, days to maturity, plant height, spike length, grains spike-1, 1000-grain, weight and harvest index while tillers plant-1 and yield plant-1 were non-significant. Mean squares due to SCA and reciprocal effect were significant for all the traits studied. Additive gene effects controlled the expression of all the traits under study as evidenced by greater mean squares for general combining ability. The varieties SARC-3, SQ-92 and Takbeer possessed high GCA effects for most of the traits and were thus considered to be good general combiners. High SCA effects for days to heading, flag leaf area, tillers plant-1, days to maturity, plant height, spike length, grains spike-1, 1000-grain weight, harvest index and yield plant-1 were observed for hybrids, GZ x ICP, SQ x ICP, FS x Dera, Tat x SQ, Tat x SARC, Tat x SQ, Tkb x SARC, FS x Dera, SQ x ICP and SQ x Dera, respectively..
机译:这项研究是在2001-03年间在白沙瓦NWFP农业大学植物育种与遗传学系的实验场上进行的,目的是研究在8x8半二倍半杂交的面包小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)中重要性状的结合能力。本研究中包括的品种是; Ghaznavi-98,Fakhre Sarhad,Tatara,Takbeer,SQ-92,SARC-3,ICP-3和Dera-98。抽穗天数,旗叶面积,成熟天数,植物高度,穗长,穗粒1、1000粒,重量和收获指数的总结合能力的均方根高度显着,而分till植物1和单株产量1个不重要。对于所有研究的性状,由于SCA和互作用引起的均方均显着。可加性基因效应控制了所研究所有性状的表达,这一点由一般结合能力的均方值较大所证明。 SARC-3,SQ-92和Takbeer品种在大多数性状上具有较高的GCA效应,因此被认为是良好的一般组合物。对于杂种,GZ,观察到抽穗期,旗叶面积,分till植物1,成熟日,植物高度,穗长,穗粒1,千粒重,收获指数和产量1的高SCA效应x ICP,SQ x ICP,FS x Dera,Tat x SQ,Tat x SARC,Tat x SQ,Tkb x SARC,FS x Dera,SQ x ICP和SQ x Dera。



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