首页> 外文期刊>Sarhad Journal of Agriculture >Varietal adoption effect on wheat crop production in irrigated areas of NWFP.

Varietal adoption effect on wheat crop production in irrigated areas of NWFP.


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This study was conducted to examine wheat yield performance and identify different wheat varieties cultivated in irrigated areas in North-West Frontier Pakistan. Data were gathered by interviewing 362 farmers in districts of Swat, Kohat, and Charsadda. It was found that the farmers allocated two-thirds of the cultivated area to wheat. Banned (rust susceptible) variety Inquilab 91 was the most popular and mostly grown by majority of the farmers. Fakhrisarhad was the top yielding variety, with an average yield of 30.40 maunds per acre. The average yield of different varieties ranged from 19.43 to 30.40 maunds per acre, while the overall average yield of wheat was 22.52 maunds per acre. More than half of the farmers reported that their major problems were expensive wheat seeds, lack of information and unavailability of improved wheat seeds.
机译:这项研究旨在检查小麦的产量表现,并确定巴基斯坦西北边境灌溉地区种植的不同小麦品种。通过采访Swat,Kohat和Charsadda地区的362位农民来收集数据。发现农民将耕种面积的三分之二分配给了小麦。被禁用(易受锈病影响)的品种Inquilab 91是最受欢迎的品种,大多数农民种植。 Fakhrisarhad是产量最高的品种,每英亩平均产量为30.40 maunds。不同品种的平均产量为每英亩19.43至30.40 maund,而小麦的总体平均产量为每英亩22.52 maund。一半以上的农民报告说,他们的主要问题是昂贵的小麦种子,缺乏信息和无法获得改良的小麦种子。



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