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Implementing a safety culture in a major multi-national


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This paper reports on the implementation of an advanced safety culture in a major oil and gas multi-national. The original proposal came from the company after it had become clear that expectations had been raised after the successful implementation of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Management Systems subsequent to the Piper Alpha disaster. The proposal made by the company, to develop a workforce intrinsically motivated for HSE, was operationalised as the development of an advanced safety culture after a review of the literature on motivation. The model used was the HSE Culture Ladder that had become the industry standard accepted by the OGP (International Association of Oil and Gas Producers). This model was intended to show that there were considerable opportunities for improvement even after HSE-MS had been implemented and that the more advanced cultures were ones people felt were desirable and achievable for themselves. Once top management had provided the initial support for the development of a more advanced safety culture, a number of supporting tools were developed, under the Hearts and Minds brand, and a strategy for implementation was developed that relied more on bottom-up 'pull' rather than top-down 'push' - the standard implementation model for new initiatives. The tools were designed to provide a clear direction, a road map to an advanced culture defined in terms provided by people within the industry, to support lasting changes in attitudes and beliefs, to promote an increased feeling of control when solving HSE-specific problems - all components of a more advanced culture. The tactics employed, using a pull rather than a push approach, had to allow for local variation within the general limits set by the strategy that eventually became a mixed top-down and bottom-up approach. Next there is a discussion of the current status and the lessons to be learnt from the implementation so far: moving away from command and control is hard for large organizations; such programs have to be driven by different performance indicators; managers have to learn to disperse their control; it is essential to communicate both successes and failures. Finally there is a discussion about the respective roles of academia and the industry in such endeavours, the requirement to concentrate on more than a single cultural characteristic such as reporting, and the difficulties of evaluating such programs in a worldwide environment that is continuously changing.
机译:本文报告了主要石油和天然气跨国公司中先进安全文化的实施情况。最初的提议来自该公司,此前该公司已经明确表示,在Piper Alpha灾难之后成功实施了健康,安全和环境(HSE)管理系统之后,人们的期望有所提高。该公司提出的有关开发本质上受HSE激励的员工队伍的提议,在对有关动机的文献进行回顾之后,作为一种先进的安全文化的发展而得以实施。使用的模型是HSE文化阶梯,该阶梯已成为OGP(国际石油和天然气生产商协会)接受的行业标准。该模型旨在表明,即使在实施HSE-MS之后,仍有大量的改进机会,而且人们认为更先进的文化是他们自己所期望和可实现的。一旦高层管理人员为发展更先进的安全文化提供了最初的支持,便以“心灵”品牌开发了许多支持工具,并且制定了一种实施策略,该策略更多地依靠自下而上的“拉动”而不是自上而下的“推动”-新计划的标准实施模型。这些工具旨在提供清晰的方向,通向行业内人员定义的先进文化的路线图,支持态度和信念的持久变化,在解决特定于HSE的问题时增强控制感-更先进文化的所有组成部分。采用的策略是采用拉式而非推式方法,必须允许局部差异在该策略设定的总体范围内进行,最终成为混合的自上而下和自下而上的方法。接下来,将讨论当前的状态以及到目前为止的实施过程中将要汲取的经验教训:大型组织很难摆脱命令和控制。此类计划必须由不同的绩效指标来驱动;管理者必须学会分散控制权;交流成功与失败至关重要。最后,讨论了学术界和行业在这种努力中的各自作用,要求集中于多个文化特征(如报告)的要求,以及在不断变化的全球环境中评估此类计划的困难。



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