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Developing a risk management standard - the Australian experience


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Where are the Risk Management practitioners to be found in the ongoing debate on corporate governance and standards? Largely absent, is the sad conclusion if the results of the recent International Workshop organised by the European Commission, Directorate General Joint Research Centre (DG JRC), Institute for Systems, Informatics and Safety (ISIS), held at Stresa and Ispra, Italy, 22-25 May 2000 are any indication. The summary paper of the Workshop (see this special issue of the Safety Science magazine) is interesting in that it sets out very clearly the challenge confronting industry and commerce, both public and private, with respect to developing an internationally accepted generic 'standard' for risk-based decision making. The incidents referred to in the "Background. Technological Risks and Benefits" section of this summary paper clearly make the case for a process that will systematically identify, analyse, evaluate and treat all types of risk. It then quite correctly identifies that risk is an integral part of progress and must be effectively managed in order that society can reap the benefits. It was particularly pleasing to see that the fact that good Risk Management significantly supports consistent decision-making, and enhanced public understanding, was clearly identified.
机译:在有关公司治理和标准的持续辩论中,可以找到哪些风险管理从业人员?如果欧盟委员会,总司令联合研究中心(DG JRC),系统,信息学和安全研究所(ISIS)在意大利斯特雷萨和伊斯普拉举行的最近一次国际研讨会的结果在很大程度上是令人遗憾的结论,任何迹象表明2000年5月22日至25日。研讨会的摘要文件(请参阅《安全科学》杂志的这一期特刊)很有趣,因为它非常清楚地阐明了在制定国际公认的通用“标准”方面,公共和私营行业都面临的挑战。基于风险的决策。本摘要文件的“背景技术风险和收益”一节中提到的事件清楚地说明了一个过程,可以系统地识别,分析,评估和处理所有类型的风险。然后,它很正确地确定了风险是进步的组成部分,必须有效地加以管理,以使社会能够从中受益。特别令人高兴的是,清楚地认识到良好的风险管理能够显着支持一致的决策并增强公众的理解。



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