首页> 外文期刊>Safety science >In-depth investigations of PTW-car accidents caused by human errors

In-depth investigations of PTW-car accidents caused by human errors


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Powered Two Wheeler (PTW) accidents and rider fatalities demand in-depth understanding of causative factors. The aim of this research is to investigate in-depth PTW-car accidents, where human errors were the sole causative factors and not influenced by any environmental or vehicle factor, whereby the true potential of rider and driver assistance systems can be evaluated. Motorcycle Accident In-Depth Study (MAIDS) database is used, which includes 921 PTW real world accidents and 923 control cases in five European countries. Each accident is coded with approximately 2000 variables. A total of 245 PTW-car accident data were extracted, in which accident causation factors were only human ones. This particular accident group has received little attention in literature. In-depth accident investigations led to the identification of Merged Accidents Configurations (MACs). Typical characteristics of these MACs were examined thoroughly. Various human errors were identified and classified as perception, comprehension and execution failures. The investigation findings suggest that car drivers made perception and comprehension failures in a large proportion of cases; while PTW riders typically made perception and execution failures resulting in accidents. This investigation served as basis for a discussion of possible countermeasures to improve rider safety. Actions on riders and drivers were identified (e.g. training of riders to improve braking efficiency in emergency situations) and the potential of rider and driver assistance systems to mitigate the accident outcomes was debated. This paper is the starting point for further accident analysis which could provide support for developing rider assistance systems.



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