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The validity of a low-cost simulator for the assessment of the effects of in-vehicle information systems


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This study explored the validity of using a low-cost simulator for the assessment of driver distraction arising from the use of an in-vehicle information system. Eighteen participants drove on a rural road whilst carrying out distractor tasks of various levels of difficulty, in both a low-cost simulator (with gaming console steering wheel and pedals with single monitor display) and a medium-cost one (fixed-base, complete vehicle cab, wrap-around visuals). The distractor tasks were presented at identical locations in each of the drives and an identical suite of driver performance and subjective rating measures were elicited to allow a robust comparison between the two simulator environments. As expected, there was a reduction in mean speed when drivers were completing the distraction tasks and this effect was observed in both simulators. However, drivers spent more time at shorter headways in the low-cost version and demonstrated more erratic steering behaviour in the low-cost version. This could be due to a reduced peripheral view and inferior kinaesthetic feedback through the driver controls, but low-cost simulators could play a significant role in the early stages of design and evaluation of in-vehicle information systems.
机译:这项研究探索了使用低成本模拟器评估因使用车载信息系统而引起的驾驶员分心的有效性。 18名参与者在低成本模拟器(带游戏机方向盘和带有单个显示器的踏板)和中等成本(固定底座,完整)的模拟器上,在乡村道路上开车,同时执行各种难度的干扰器任务车辆驾驶室,环绕式视觉效果)。分心器任务在每个驱动器中的相同位置呈现,并且驱动器性能和主观评分方法套件相同,从而可以在两个模拟器环境之间进行可靠的比较。正如预期的那样,当驾驶员完成分心任务时,平均速度有所降低,并且在两个模拟器中都观察到了这种影响。但是,在低成本版本中,驾驶员花了更多时间在较短的车道上,而在低成本版本中,驾驶员表现出更加不稳定的转向行为。这可能是由于减少了外围视野并降低了驾驶员控制所产生的动感反馈,但是低成本的模拟器可能会在车载信息系统的设计和评估的早期阶段发挥重要作用。



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