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A survey of Little Tern Sternula albifrons colonies at Port Said, Egypt, in 2015 with notes on behaviour


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The global population of Little Tern Sternula albifrons is estimated at c190 000-510 000 individuals; the overall population trend is decreasing due to changing habitats, although some populations have unknown trends (Wetlands International 2014). In Egypt, it is a fairly common breeder along the Mediterranean coast; the total breeding population was estimated at 2000 pairs by Goodman & Meininger (1989). Between 800-1200 pairs were thought to nest on the coast of the northern Sinai (Meininger & Baha El Din 1986) and 700 pairs were located at lake Bardawil there (Atta 1986). Baha El Din (1999) mentioned 1200 pairs at lake Bardawil, 1500 at lake Manzala (coastal Nile delta) and 600-800 at lake Burullus (coastal Nile delta). Eason et al (2012) found 439 nests in Zaranik protectorate, northern Sinai. The seashore near Port Said was missing from any previous survey and the first sighting of breeding birds in the Port Said region was July 2007 (Habib 2014a). The present survey was made to investigate breeding status in 2015 at five breeding colonies near Port Said and two new colonies found east of Port Fouad and south of Port Said respectively. An important objective was to see whether breeding colonies still existed given the continual development of the Port Said area eg construction of the new corniche road, gas exploration and drilling facilities and new roads, and to provide recommendations for protection. Behavioural observations were also made.
机译:小燕鸥胸骨alifrons的全球人口估计为c190 000-510 000;由于栖息地的变化,总体人口趋势正在下降,尽管一些人口的趋势未知(Wetlands International 2014)。在埃及,它是地中海沿岸相当普遍的繁殖者。 Goodman&Meininger(1989)估计总繁殖种群为2000对。据认为,在西奈北部的海岸上筑巢有800对至1200对(Meininger和Baha El Din,1986年),那里的Bardawil湖有700对(Atta,1986年)。 Baha El Din(1999)提到巴尔达维尔湖有1200对,尼罗河沿岸的Manzala湖有1500对,尼罗河沿岸的Burullus湖有600-800对。 Eason等人(2012)在西奈半岛北部的萨拉尼克保护区发现了439个巢穴。之前的任何调查都缺少塞得港附近的沿海地区,于2007年7月在塞得港地区首次发现了繁殖鸟类(Habib 2014a)。本调查旨在调查2015年在塞得港附近的五个繁殖地和分别在福阿德港以东和赛义德以南发现的两个新殖民地的繁殖状况。一个重要的目标是,考虑到塞德港地区的持续发展,例如新建滨海路,天然气勘探和钻探设施以及新道路的建设,是否仍存在繁殖群体,并提供保护建议。还进行了行为观察。



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