首页> 外文期刊>Schizophrenia research >Attentional and neurocognitive characteristics of high-risk offspring of parents with schizophrenia compared with DSM-IV attention deficit hyperactivity disorder children.

Attentional and neurocognitive characteristics of high-risk offspring of parents with schizophrenia compared with DSM-IV attention deficit hyperactivity disorder children.


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Offspring of individuals with schizophrenia are at increased baseline risk for a range of early mental disorders. Studies investigating the premorbid characteristics of individuals with schizophrenia indicate that they suffer from social, behavioral, attentional and neurocognitive impairments, often resembling attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In this study, we compared the executive functioning and general intelligence among three groups: (i) children and adolescents with DSM-IV ADHD (n=41), (ii) "high-risk" (HR) offspring of parents with DSM-IV schizophrenia, and (iii) normal comparison subjects (n=35). Our results indicated that both HR and ADHD groups had lower Verbal IQ scores. ADHD cases had significantly lower percent correct and total errors in Wisconsin Cart Sorting Test when compared with normal comparison subjects. The HR cases also had lower Performance IQ scores as well as worse abstraction-flexibility and comprehension performance. The HR group was further stratified with (HR-A) and without (HR-NA) comorbid ADHD, and HR-A subjects were significantly noted to be more impaired on most tests. The overall worse performance of HR offspring was attributable to significantly lower performance among the HR-A youth. Further, our results suggested that the most profoundly impaired HR subjects were in fact children and adolescents who also met criteria for ADHD. Future studies with broader neuropsychological test batteries are necessary to investigate the differences and similarities between ADHD and the HR-A subgroup.
机译:精神分裂症患者的后代在一系列早期精神障碍中的基线风险较高。对精神分裂症患者的病前特征进行调查的研究表明,他们患有社交,行为,注意力和神经认知障碍,通常类似于注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)。在这项研究中,我们比较了三组的执行功能和一般智力:(i)DSM-IV ADHD的儿童和青少年(n = 41),(ii)DSM-IV父母的“高风险”(HR)后代IV型精神分裂症,以及(iii)正常对照受试者(n = 35)。我们的结果表明,HR和ADHD组的口头智商得分都较低。与正常对照对象相比,ADHD病例在威斯康星州购物车分类测试中的正确率和总错误率要低得多。 HR病例的表现智商得分也较低,抽象柔韧性和理解能力也较差。 HR组进一步分为(HR-A)和没有(HR-NA)合并ADHD,并且在大多数测试中HR-A受试者明显受损。 HR后代的整体表现较差是由于HR-A青年中的表现明显较低。此外,我们的结果表明,最严重受损的HR受试者实际上是也符合ADHD标准的儿童和青少年。为了研究ADHD和HR-A亚组之间的差异和相似性,有必要使用更广泛的神经心理学测试电池进行进一步的研究。



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