首页> 外文期刊>Ostrich >A contribution to the study of the avifauna of the Bossematie Forest (abengorou/cote d'ivoire). the future of Bossematie Forest: current status

A contribution to the study of the avifauna of the Bossematie Forest (abengorou/cote d'ivoire). the future of Bossematie Forest: current status

机译:为研究Bossematie森林(abengorou /科特迪瓦)的动物群做出的贡献。 Bossematie森林的未来:当前状态

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The Bossematie forest, eastern Cote d'Ivoire (3 deg 35 min- 3 deg 20 min longitude west and 6 deg 35'-6 deg 20 min latitude north), has been heavily exploited in the past and is now being rehabilitated by the SODEFOR (Societe de Developpement des Forets) and the GTZ (German Technical Co-operation). To estimate the potential for the rehabilitation, the bird fauna was studied during a four year period including the field work of three observers of about 24 person-months. Until now we reorded in the forest and the surroundings 337 species belonging to 203 genera and 58 families. 251 species were present within the forest borders with 133 only observed there and not outside. Five species are considered as near-threatened and four species as vulnerable. To study the ecology of forest species in more detail, an intensive analysis of the communities of different forest stages and treatments was carried out by the first author.
机译:科特迪瓦东部(西经3度35分-3度20分,北纬6度35'-6度20分)的Bossematie森林在过去已被大量开发,现在由SODEFOR进行修复(Foret Developpement des Forets)和德国技术合作公司(GTZ)。为了估计修复的潜力,在四年的时间里对鸟类动物进行了研究,其中包括三名观察员的野外工作,工作时间约为24个人月。到现在为止,我们在森林和周围地区归类,共有203属58个科的337种。森林边界内有251种,其中只有133种,而在室外没有。五个物种被认为是濒临灭绝的物种,四个物种被认为是脆弱物种。为了更详细地研究森林物种的生态,第一作者对不同森林阶段和处理方式的群落进行了深入分析。



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