首页> 外文期刊>Ore Geology Reviews: Journal for Comprehensive Studies of Ore Genesis and Ore Exploration >Weathering profile of the Cerro de Maimon VMS deposit (Dominican Republic): textures, mineralogy, gossan evolution and mobility of gold and silver

Weathering profile of the Cerro de Maimon VMS deposit (Dominican Republic): textures, mineralogy, gossan evolution and mobility of gold and silver

机译:Cerro de Maimon VMS矿床(多米尼加共和国)的风化剖面:金,银的质地,矿物学,戈桑演化和迁移率

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Cerro de Maimon, in the central Dominican Republic, is currently the only VMS deposit under production in the Caribbean region. It is hosted in the Maimon Formation, of early Cretaceous age, which is part of the oldest and chemically most primitive island-arc in the Caribbean. From bottom to top, this deposit can be divided into (i) a primary sulfide zone, (ii) a supergene enrichment zone and (iii) an oxidized zone. This study reports new data on the textural and mineralogical characteristics of the oxidized zone (gossan/leached capping zone) with emphasis in the Au-Ag-bearing phases.
机译:多米尼加共和国中部的Cerro de Maimon目前是加勒比地区唯一正在生产的VMS矿床。它位于白垩纪早期的迈蒙组,它是加勒比地区最古老,化学性质最原始的岛弧的一部分。从底部到顶部,该沉积物可分为(i)初级硫化物区,(ii)超基因富集区和(iii)氧化区。这项研究报告了有关氧化区(戈桑/浸出的封盖区)的组织和矿物学特征的新数据,重点是含金-银的相。



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