首页> 外文期刊>Ore Geology Reviews: Journal for Comprehensive Studies of Ore Genesis and Ore Exploration >Geochronology and thermo chronology of gold mineralization in the Turmalina deposit, NE of the Quadrilatero Ferrifero Region, Brazil

Geochronology and thermo chronology of gold mineralization in the Turmalina deposit, NE of the Quadrilatero Ferrifero Region, Brazil

机译:巴西Quadrilatero Ferrifero地区东北部Turmalina矿床的金矿化地质年代学和热年代学

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The Turmalina gold deposit comprises three epigenetic domains whose development is related to the propagation/reactivation events of the NW-SE Pitangui Shear Zone (PSZ). The lodes are hosted in a Late Archaean sedimentary sequence on top of a strongly deformed (mafic-dominated) metavolcanic pile metamorphosed under 3.5-4 kbar and 540-610 degrees C; the association forms the upper part of a lithostratigraphic succession (Pitangui Group) that overlies an older TTG gneissic basement. According to field evidence and petrographic observations, the ore-forming process is polyphasic, starting at the time when the PSZ crossed the metamorphic quartz + staurolite + biotite + almadine + hornblende isograde; the main evolving stages, however, mostly took place throughout the metamorphic retrogression path. Fluid inclusion microthermometry also shows that metamorphogenic aqueous-carbonic solutions (initially with approximate to 16-20 eq. wt.% NaCl and circulating at approximately 4 kbar and 550 degrees C) were subjected to repeated boiling and mixing with cooler aqueous solutions at approximately 1-2 kb and 300-350 degrees C These boiling events, which were triggered by depressurization, were contemporaneous with gold (and later sulfide) deposition, preceding a late stage of hydrothermal activity under lower PT conditions (<1 kbar and 130-230 degrees C). To constrain both the mineralization age and the source/pathways of the ore-forming fluids in the Turmalina deposit, a multi-system isotope (Pb-Pb, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd) study was carried out using various whole-rock and mineral samples. The main results are as follows: (i) the onset of the ore-forming process took place at ca. 2.2-2.1 Ga; (ii) the critical timing for gold formation was confined to ca. 2-1.9 Ga; and (iii) the late hydrothermal influxes occurred after 1.75 Ga. Therefore, the ore-forming process can be envisaged as a result of successive physical-chemical processes that took place during two major, long-lasting (approximate to 250 Ma) periods under initial cooling rates of approximately 1 degrees C/Ma and, after ca. 2-1.9 Ga, approximately 2.5 degrees C/Ma. Moreover, the rejuvenation episodes at ca. 2-1.9 Ga and ca. 1.75 Ga probably indicate reactivation events in the PSZ, which triggered new fluid inflows into the system and revitalized the ore-forming process. That was the case for fluids that circulated deeply through both the older basement rocks and the mafic volcanic pile, allowing either metal enrichment from multistage leaching processes of various reservoirs or possible U/Th decoupling during ore remobilization. The Turmalina ore-system lifetime is consequently confined to the Rhyacian period (Paleoproterozoic), which is compatible with the age constraints presented by other studies regarding the fold-thrust belt's development (ca. 2.125 Ga) and orogenic collapse (ca. 2.095 Ga). (c) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:Turmalina金矿床包含三个表观成因域,其发育与NW-SE Pitangui剪切带(PSZ)的繁殖/再活化事件有关。这些矿床在3.5-4 kbar和540-610摄氏度下变质的强烈变形(基性主导)的变火山桩的顶部,以古生晚期沉积序列为主。该协会形成了一个岩石岩层序(Pitangui Group)的上部,该岩层覆盖了一个较老的TTG片麻岩基底。根据现场证据和岩石学观察,成矿过程是多相的,始于PSZ越过变质石英+星形石+黑云母+阿拉木定+角闪石等价线。然而,主要的演化阶段大部分发生在整个变质的回归路径中。流体夹杂显微热分析法还表明,变质碳水溶液(最初含有约16-20 eq。%的NaCl,并在约4 kbar和550摄氏度下循环)经过反复沸腾并与较冷的水溶液在约1的温度下混合-2 kb和300-350摄氏度在减压条件下(<1 kbar和130-230摄氏度),在热液活动进入后期之前,降压引发的这些沸腾事件与金(以及后来的硫化物)沉积同时发生。 C)。为了限制Turmalina矿床的成矿年龄和成矿流体的来源/途径,使用了多种全岩石和矿物样品。主要结果如下:(i)成矿过程的开始在大约2.2-2.1 Ga; (ii)形成金的关键时间限制在大约2-1.9 Ga; (iii)晚热液涌入发生在1.75 Ga之后。因此,可以设想成矿过程是由于在以下两个主要的长期(约250 Ma)时期内发生了连续的物理化学过程的结果。约1摄氏度/马萨的初始冷却速度,以及2-1.9 Ga,约2.5摄氏度/马格。此外,在大约2-1.9 Ga和ca. 1.75 Ga可能表明PSZ中发生了再活化事件,从而触发了新的流体流入系统,并重振了成矿过程。流体在较旧的基底岩石和镁铁质火山桩中深循环的情况就是这样,从而允许从各种储层的多级浸出过程中富集金属,或者在矿石迁移过程中可能进行U / Th解耦。因此,Turmalina矿石系统的寿命仅限于Rhyacian时期(古生代),这与其他有关褶皱-冲断带发育(约2.125 Ga)和造山塌陷(约2.095 Ga)的研究提出的年龄限制兼容。 。 (c)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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