首页> 外文期刊>Ore Geology Reviews: Journal for Comprehensive Studies of Ore Genesis and Ore Exploration >Mesozoic metallogeny in East China and corresponding geodynamic settings - An introduction to the special issue

Mesozoic metallogeny in East China and corresponding geodynamic settings - An introduction to the special issue


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The giant East China Mesozoic metallogenic province hosts some of the World's largest resources of tungsten, tin, molybdenum, antimony and bismuth. Ores of gold, silver, mercury, lead, zinc, copper, uranium and iron are also of major importance. The province and its constituent metallogenic belts or regions (South China; Middle-Lower Yangtze River Valley; East Qinling-Dabie; Interior of North China Craton; Yan-Liao and North-east China) are the products of several pulses of igneous activity and mineralisation between ~240 and ~80 Ma. Each successive stage has produced a distinctive suite of deposits that can be readily related to the geodynamic evolution of the region during the Mesozoic. This geodynamic evolution is linked to a complex series of tectonic events, involving far-field-subduction, plate collisions, crustal thickening, post-collision collapse and rifting.
机译:巨大的华东中生代成矿省拥有世界上最大的钨,锡,钼,锑和铋资源。金,银,汞,铅,锌,铜,铀和铁的矿石也很重要。该省及其构成的成矿带或地区(华南;长江中下游流域;东秦岭-大别;华北克拉通内部;延辽和东北)是火成岩活动的几个脉动的产物。 〜240 ~~ 80 Ma之间的成矿作用。每个后续阶段都产生了一套独特的沉积物,这些沉积物很容易与中生代时期该地区的地球动力学演化有关。这种地球动力学演化与一系列复杂的构造事件有关,包括远场俯冲,板块碰撞,地壳增厚,碰撞后塌陷和裂谷。



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