首页> 外文期刊>Oriental Journal of Chemistry: An International Research Journal of Pure & Applied Chemistry >Stability Indicating Method Development and Validation for the Estimation of Rotigotine by RP-HPLC in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Dosage Form

Stability Indicating Method Development and Validation for the Estimation of Rotigotine by RP-HPLC in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Dosage Form


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The purpose of the investigation was to develop a new RP-HPLC Method for estimation of Rotigotine in pharmaceutical dosage forms. Chromatography was carried out on an BDS C-8 column (4.6 x 150mm, 5u particle size) with a isocratic mobile phase composed of 0.01 N Potassium dihydrogen Ortho phosphate (adjusted to pH 4.8 with OPA solution), Acetonitrile (45:55v/v) at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. The column temperature was maintained at 30°C and the detection was carried out using a PDA detector at 224 nm. Validation parameters such as system suitability, linearity, precision, accuracy, specificity, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), Stability of sample and standard stock solutions and robustness were studied as reported in the International Conference on Harmonization guidelines. The retention time for Rotigotine was 2.691 min. The percentage recoverie of Rotigotine was 100.33%. The relative standard deviation for assay of patch was found to be less than 2%. The Method was fast, accurate, precise and sensitive hence it can be employed for routine quality control of patchs containing both drugs in quality control laboratories and pharmaceutical industries.
机译:研究的目的是开发一种新的RP-HPLC方法,用于估计药物剂型中的罗替戈汀。色谱法在BDS C-8色谱柱(4.6 x 150mm,粒径5u)上进行,等度流动相由0.01 N磷酸二氢钾正磷酸盐(用OPA溶液调节至pH 4.8),乙腈(45:55v / v)组成)的流速为1 mL / min。柱温保持在30℃,使用PDA检测器在224nm进行检测。如国际协调会议指南中所述,研究了诸如系统适用性,线性,精度,准确性,特异性,检测限(LOD),定量限(LOQ),样品和标准储备液的稳定性以及稳健性等验证参数。罗替戈汀的保留时间为2.691分钟。罗替戈汀的百分回收率是100.33%。发现用于贴剂测定的相对标准偏差小于2%。该方法快速,准确,精确和灵敏,因此可用于质量控制实验室和制药行业中包含药物的贴剂的常规质量控制。



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