首页> 外文期刊>Ornis Fennica >Plumage colouration variability of male Bluethroats (Luscinia svecica cyanecula) wintering in SE Iberia

Plumage colouration variability of male Bluethroats (Luscinia svecica cyanecula) wintering in SE Iberia

机译:伊比利亚东南部越冬雄性蓝喉(Luscinia svecica cyanecula)越冬羽毛颜色变化

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Male colouration has a key role in signalling individual quality during the breeding season. Although winter plumage probably correlates with summer plumage, few studies have focused on the determinants of male colouration during the non-breeding period. If plumage colouration is related to an individual's age or is strongly correlated with body condition during the non-breeding period, this trait could be used by conspecifics to assess quality, origin or status of a given individual. Here, we analysed plumage colouration and body size of male Bluethroats (Luscinia svecica cyanecula) wintering in SE Iberia. We found that young individuals had narrower black bands and wider white bands than adult individuals in their throat patch. Also, the width of the chestnut band increased with later capture date. Finally, blue throat colouration was positively correlated with tail length and negatively correlated with tarsus length. We could not find any significant relationship between throat patch colouration and body mass. We concluded that individual's age and capture date were significantly related to black and chestnut throat colouration, respectively. Therefore, these coloured bands could provide reliable cues on individual's age and their geographical origins. The variability of plumage colouration of wintering Bluethroats provides an excellent study system in which to test further hypotheses on the role of the throat patch colouration outside the breeding season.
机译:在繁殖季节,雄性色素在信号传递个体质量方面具有关键作用。尽管冬天的羽毛可能与夏天的羽毛相关,但是很少有研究集中在非繁殖时期男性肤色的决定因素上。如果羽毛的颜色与个体的年龄有关,或者与非繁殖期间的身体状况密切相关,那么该特征可以被特定物种用来评估特定个体的质量,出身或状态。在这里,我们分析了西班牙伊比利亚(SE Iberia)越冬的雄性蓝喉(Luscinia svecica cyanecula)的羽毛着色和体型。我们发现,在成年人群的喉咙部位,他们的黑带较窄,白带较宽。此外,栗子带的宽度随着捕获日期的增加而增加。最后,蓝喉色与尾巴长度呈正相关,与架长度呈负相关。我们没有发现喉咙贴片颜色与体重之间有任何显着关系。我们得出的结论是,个体的年龄和捕获日期分别与黑色和栗子喉咙的颜色显着相关。因此,这些有色带可以提供有关个人年龄及其地理来源的可靠线索。越冬Bluethroats羽毛颜色的变异性提供了一个极好的研究系统,可以在繁殖季节之外进一步检验关于喉片着色的作用的假设。



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