首页> 外文期刊>Ornis Fennica >Differential timing of passage of populations of migratory Blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) in Spain: Evidence from flight-associated morphology and recoveries

Differential timing of passage of populations of migratory Blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) in Spain: Evidence from flight-associated morphology and recoveries

机译:西班牙迁徙黑cap(Sylvia atricapilla)种群通过时差的时间:来自飞行相关形态和恢复的证据

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We examined the timing of passage of migratory Blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilld) at a stop-over site in northern Iberia, Spain, in an area relatively close to an important wintering area for the species, in southern Iberia. With this goal, we analysed ring-recovery data and examined the seasonal, year-to-year and age variations of flight-associated morphology (wing length and wing morphology). In autumn, Blackcaps with longer and more pointed wings (supposedly long-distance migrants) were captured significantly later than birds with shorter and less pointed wings (i.e., less pronounced long-distance morphology). Moreover, in autumn Blackcaps from the Britain and Ireland were proportionally more abundant than Blackcaps from mainland Europe during early autumn than during late autumn, supporting the hypothesis that Blackcaps from the Britain and Ireland migrate earlier than those from mainland Europe. These findings suggest that Blackcaps from the Britain and Ireland might have the wing morphology characteristics for shorter-distance rather than long-distance migration. In spring, however, wing length, wing morphology and the origin (Britain and Ireland versus mainland western Europe) did not vary with trapping date. This lack of differences in spring suggests an absence of a differential timing of passage by different Blackcap populations in spring. However, we may have been unable to detect such differences due to a small sample size or the fact that spring migration takes place within a shorter period than autumn migration.
机译:我们检查了迁徙黑eria(Sylvia atricapilld)通过的时机,在西班牙伊比利亚北部的中转站,该地区相对接近伊比利亚南部一个重要的越冬区域。为此,我们分析了环恢复数据,并检查了与飞行相关的形态(机翼长度和机翼形态)的季节,年度和年龄变化。在秋天,翅膀长而尖的黑cap(据称是长途迁徙者)比翅膀短而尖的黑鸟(即远距离形态不那么明显)被捕的时间要晚得多。此外,在秋天,早秋时节,英国和爱尔兰的黑cap比欧洲大陆的黑cap要丰富得多,这支持了英国和爱尔兰的黑cap比欧洲大陆的黑earlier更早迁移的假设。这些发现表明,来自英国和爱尔兰的黑帽s可能具有机翼形态特征,适合短距离迁移而不是长距离迁移。然而,在春季,机翼长度,机翼形态和起源(英国和爱尔兰与西欧大陆之间)随诱捕日期而变化。春季缺乏差异表明春季不同黑帽种群的传代时间不同。但是,由于样本量较小或春季迁徙发生的时间比秋季迁徙短,因此我们可能无法检测到此类差异。



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