首页> 外文期刊>Ornis Fennica >Medium-term response of breeding Blue Chaffinch Fringilla teydea teydea to experimental thinning in a Pinus canariensis plantation (Tenerife, Canary Islands)

Medium-term response of breeding Blue Chaffinch Fringilla teydea teydea to experimental thinning in a Pinus canariensis plantation (Tenerife, Canary Islands)


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We studied the medium-term response of the endemic Blue Chaffinch Fringilla teydea teydea to experimental thinning in a Pinus canariensis plantation on the island of Tenerife during breeding season. Distance Sampling method was applied to line transects, and habitat preferences were modelled by means of univariate regression trees. The density was 1.70 birds/ha (1.09 to 2.68 95%CI) in thinned areas and 0.56 birds/ha (0.33 to 0.97 95%CI) in unthinned areas. The Blue Chaffinch densities peaked in thinned areas where the density of trees with Diameter at Breast Height of <25 cm was between 10.5 and 16.5 trees/plot (r = 25 m) and the cover of Adenocarpus shrubs was s82.5%. Thinning had added heterogeneity into the stand structure at least in terms of lowering the basal area of small pine trees and increasing the understorey cover of Adenocarpus shrubs, with average cover being 37.15% in thinned and only 1.40% in unthinned areas. Our results justify the silvicultural thinning of 2844 hectares of pine plantation on the summit of Gran Canaria as a means of increasing the density of the endangered Gran Canaria Blue Chaffinch (Fringilla teydea polatzeki).
机译:我们研究了特纳里夫岛上特有的蓝花鸡Fringilla teydea teydea对特内里费岛加那利松人工林繁殖期试验性间苗的中期反应。将距离采样方法应用于线样面,并通过单变量回归树对生境偏好进行建模。在稀疏地区的密度为1.70鸟/公顷(1.09至2.68 95%CI),在非稀疏地区的密度为0.56鸟/公顷(0.33至0.97 95%CI)。蓝花鸡密度在较薄的区域达到峰值,该区域的胸径在<25 cm的树的密度在10.5至16.5棵树/地块之间(r = 25 m),而刺果灌木的覆盖率为s82.5%。间伐至少在降低小松树的基部面积和增加刺果灌木的下层覆盖率方面增加了林分结构的异质性,其中间伐的平均覆盖率为37.15%,而未间断的仅为1.40%。我们的研究结果证明了在大加那利岛的山顶上2844公顷的松树人工林造林是合理的,以此来增加濒临灭绝的大加那利蓝花鸡(Fringilla teydea polatzeki)的密度。



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