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Genetic divergence among maintainers and restorer lines of rice


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Genetic divergence was worked out in 86 rice genotypes obtained from IRRI, DRR and other hybrid rice breeding centres at Directorate of Rice Research, Andhra Pradesh, India during wet season, 2008. Based on thirteen important yield attributes, the genotypes were grouped into ten clusters. Cluster IV was the largest with 21 genotypes from different centres, while the clusters V and X had 3 genotypes each. Cluster IV included 14 genotypes from IRRI, Philippines; 3 genotypes from DRR, Hyderabad; one each from PAU, Kapurthala; IARI, New Delhi; ND UAT, Faizabad and RARS, Maruteru. There was no relationship between geographical distribution and genetic diversity. Characters like plant height, 1000-seed weight, days to 50% flowering and number of filled grains per panicle had contributed more to the total divergence. These characters could, therefore, form the basis for selection of parents showing good mean performance from distinctly placed clusters to obtain heterotic combinations.
机译:在2008年雨季期间,从印度安得拉邦稻米研究中心的IRRI,DRR和其他杂交稻育种中心获得的86种水稻基因型进行了遗传差异分析。基于13个重要的产量特征,将这些基因型分为10个聚类。 。群体IV最大,具有来自不同中心的21个基因型,而群体V和X各自具有3个基因型。第四类包括来自菲律宾IRRI的14种基因型;来自海得拉巴DRR的3个基因型;卡普塔拉的PAU各一名;新德里IARI; ND UAT,Faizabad和RARS,Maruteru。地理分布与遗传多样性之间没有关系。诸如株高,1000粒重,开花至50%的开花天数以及每穗的实粒数等特征对总差异有更大的贡献。因此,这些字符可以构成选择父母的基础,这些父母应从不同位置的簇中选择表现出良好的平均表现以获得异质组合。



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